«inevitable death» ゚・

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Jeongguk aimlessly drove past block after block, street after street, bouncing his leg impatiently and hoping that his local Starbucks would soon come into view a bit more each time his mustang came to a halt at a stop sign or red light. Jeongguk wouldn't really call himself a 'morning person,' per se. He needed that extra dose of energy, even though the only reason he'd attempted waking up early was to extend his Overwatch time. He wasn't really in the 'employment' industry, either. Not that he hadn't tried to get a job. He actually applied for a lot of jobs, even a sort of singing, voice-actor gig. But, not having a life still meant he needed a boost to fine tune his video-gaming skills. Coffee was coffee, bitch.

And the idea of bleach was starting to look real juicy.

The boy almost swerved his car into a biker on the pavement beside him as he spotted the forsaken green hued building of his salvation, an extra bounce to his bubble as he extended a quick gesture of apology to the guy he nearly ran over currently flipping him off and hurriedly pulled up to the parking lot of the café, which was strangely vacant.

Jeongguk couldn't deny how fucking h a p p y he was, humming cutely to himself as his car came to a stop at the prospect of finally ordering his iced caramel macchiato, smacking his lips greedily.

As Jeongguk hopped out of the car and nearly skipped his whole way to the gates of his heaven, a little tune played out in his mind with a stupid grin plastered on his handsome features. 'I'm gonna get some coffee, I'm gonna get some coffee, I'm not gonna die.'

You can't buy happiness, but you can buy coffee, and that's pretty damn close.

But suddenly, the boy stopped short in his trail, his heart in his throat as he scanned over the notice neatly tapped to the modern glass door of the Starbucks. It was in a bold and blocky font, making it nearly impossible to miss. Ripping the paper off, he read the typed words in agony:

Dear Faithful Customers,

We deeply regret to inform you that our store has been closed until further notice due to serious management issues with our staff. We feel great sorrow at not being able to serve each and every person their boost of the day, but will hopefully be back soon with even more exciting flavors and staff to serve you with the greatest vivacity that Starbucks has ever brought before.

Coming to inspire the human spirit - one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time,


Jeongguk honestly didn't know whether sobbing or screaming was preferred in this kind of a situation, but he really wanted to do both. Coffee was literally the only thing that kept him going in life, other than the idea of inevitable death. The brunette had not a clue what he could do or how long he could run without caffeine in his system, but he was sure it would not be long. He was literally useless without some sort of physical support system to push him through the day; or, at least push his thumbs through each level.

Already feeling the fatigue set in, Jeongguk soullessly dragged himself to his car, weakly pulling at the handle and plopping his body into the leather seat. He sighed for what seemed the nth time that afternoon, legitimately saddened by the fact that he didn't have coffee, and wouldn't have coffee for God knows how long. Keeping a good grip on the steering wheel, Jeongguk slammed his head into the horn, a long and piercing honk ensuing as his forehead stayed glued to the wheel. 'Now...what do I do? Is there even another coffee place in this crap town?'

To be completely honest, he doubted there would be one. There was a time where they actually didn't have a McDonalds while they were renovating the place, and that period of life was living hell for all burger-lovers. The closest place to get the savory McNuggets and McFries was about 20 minutes away in a neighboring town, the same place he'd have to go to get a goddamn Starbucks.

Hail Jesus.

Whipping out his phone, he opened Google Maps and halfheartedly typed in for a café in (randomtownnameidk) in a fleeting hope he wouldn't have to start wasting more of his nonexistent money on gas for daily 20-min road trips. Jeongguk really did not expect for a name to pop up on his screen with provided directions to a café he'd never known existed, 'Bliss 1995.' There weren't any pictures provided, but the promise of caramel-induced coffee was enough for him to already be stepping on the gas and speeding to his second attempt at salvation. It sounded cute enough.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉ (。・・)_且 ┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

okay, so originally there was this big ass jumble of shit piled up together in the first chapter, 

so my brain actually came up with a decent plan to just divide everything into shorter sections and make it that much more painful but somehow ?easier? to read !! so pls enjoy and 

stan astro :))

p.s - that mcdonalds bit was a true story :')

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