Chapter 2

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I search every last inch of the house and in my frustration I decide to look in the back yard. I check in the pool , beside the pool , in the cabana , on every inch of grass , behind the garden shed , literally everywhere . Ugh , I groan as I decide to look in one last place , the front yard . The vehicles are all gone , even our truck and corpeses are lying all over the front yard . Just kidding , passed out people . I grab my phone to make sure they haven't taken the truck .

From . Oliver .
Hey I took the truck . Sorry .
Maybe you and Olivia can get a ride .
Ps. I'm completely sober .

I laugh at his last line knowing he knew I would ask if he didn't tell me . My laughing turns to frustration as I realize Olivia is still here . Well sorry people that are going to have to see me go through corpeses like a creep . I scim the people hoping I recognize her so I don't have to turn into a creep . Yes, I mentally scream when I see a girl in a blue dress . I approach carefully and sigh when I notice it's Olivia . I get down on my knees to try and uhh..wake her I guess .

"Olivia !" I scream into her face . "Olivia ! " I scream again when that doesn't work . Sighing I get up and walk into the kitchen to look for some kind of pail . I fill the pail up with water and trudge back to her . I leave her soaking when I dump it on her . Still no results . Sighing I decide to drag her somewhere better .
"Need help ? " A voice alerts me .

"Uh sure " I turn around to see Cole .

"What are you trying to do ? " he kneels down beside me .

"Just trying to put her someplace else " I say as we both work to turn her over .

" You going home ?" He heaves as we finally turn her right side up .

"Trying to " I admit laughing .

"Maybe we could just put her in the vehicle " he suggests .

"We don't exactly have a ride " I once again admit .

"So you need one ? " he asks confused .

" Yeah kinda " I laugh trying to not ask him .

" I can give you one " he offers .

"Are you sure ? " I shrug my shoulders .

"Of course , where do you live ? " He asks as he pulls out his phone .

"This apartment in Lincoln" I explain as I twirl one of my bangs .

"That'll help me a lot " He says sarcasticly " I meant the address "

"Oh " I mentally face palm myself " It's .." I state my address as he types it into his phone madly .

"So let's get her into my truck " His awkwardness seeps through as he slides his phone into his pocket . I mentally laugh as I bend down to help him . He props her up and stands her up . I join him and help guide her into the back seat of his truck .

"Music ? " he asks as we get seated .

"Sure " I grin as I search madly for my seat belt . The engine rives as I get finished . He reaches over sweetly and presses a button trying not to bump into me .

"Right , the radio doesn't work " I laugh at his beat red face as he makes the discovery . He blushes madly and I silently coo awe .

"I didn't know guys could be so cute when they blush " I complement him feeling all gooey .

"Your not so bad yourself " He winks seductively causing me to laugh, a smile grows across my face . I let the silence take over as I lean into the seat inhaling the moment .

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