Chapter 4 .

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"Hey Brielle " Olivia's voice comes from the other end of the phone .

"Hey Olivia . Why the early morning phone call ? " I look over to my bed side to see its only 7 o'clock am .

"Uh , no reason " she fibs as I listen with detective ears .

"Mm hmm " I say my voice loaded with sarcasm .

"Wow I didn't know early morning Brielle was also sarcastic " she scoffs over the mumbled speaker .

"Brielle will always be sarcastic , and Olivia will never wake up early unless it's a special occasion " I hint at my next sentence .

"Hey , I am now " Of course she would say that .

"Exactly , what's the occasion ?" I ask with intentive ears .

"Nothing , dam Brie,brie you got assumptions " she shakes her head over the phone .

"Lies , honey I can read you like a open book " my snobby mom voice comes through as I reply .

"Fine , I need to ask you something " I hear her teeth grit .

"Told you . " I celebrate my victory .

"Yeah yeah , like always " I can see her eyes roll through the phone .

I let a laugh lose . " Okay ask me "

"Are you free today ?" She nudges .

"Um I think so . I will be if you're free " I push myself of my side and sit up excited .

"I'm kinda " her voice comes out half and half .

"Explain " I demand as I step out my room and into the hallway still wearing my pajamas . I open my curtains and start preparing my breakfast as I wait for her to answer .

"Well there's this game and Logan and his friends wanna watch it somewhere with a big space and a great TV . Which you have both so can we do it there ? " I hear the doubt in her voice .

"Uh.. " I think as I glance around my apartment to see if I'm prepared to have guests .

"Cole will be there " she pleads .

"Oh that guy " I scoff .

"I know you tried to roll your eyes and just failed miserable " Olivia laughs at my miserable attempt .

"Hey that's not helping you have it here " I scold her .

"Well please . C'mon Cole . Let it sink it " she pleads . "Please "

"If .. " I start .

"Yes " I laugh as she celebrates midway through my sentence .

"If you provide everything " I say yes to the mess deal .

"Yes . Thank you " she squeals like the girl that she is . I laugh at the giggle that's surrounded me for a while now . "I owe you "

"Yeah you sure do " I say accepting her offer . I mean who wouldn't .

"Thanks again . I'll be there at four thirty " she says excited then leaves me with a beeping noise in my ear .

Bye to you too. I clutch my phone to my chest and glance around my apartment regretting the decision I just made . Well move , do something you don't have forever . I lay my phone down and head back to making pancakes . I make the smallest batch ever , gulp it down and franticly look for my keys . I rush full speed to the grocery store and start grocery shopping . I find all the ingredients to my favorite snacks and drinks . When I'm done my tiny grocery shopping spree . (Note the sarcasm ) I head to Dollaramma and load up on chocolate and some candy . Literally load up . With my packed car I zoom full speed towards my house .

The Good Kind जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें