Chapter 2

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Evan watched his girlfriend scream at the top of her lungs as she listened to a video on "How to get over your Social Anxiety." He looked up from his phone, his mouth ajar and stared at her. He watched her shake her slim body, making her lips purse as she focused on her balance.
"You know a yoga mat would help you." Evan scanned her figure, seeing how focus she was trying to be. She shook her head and groaned. Stammering to both of her feet.
"I want to be able to do this. It's hard when everyone is talking around me!" She stomped her way to Evan and sat beside him. The leather couch didn't even sink in as she sat.
"If you want, we can go out more. I'll help you get better." He held her hand as she voided off into the distance. Coming back to reality, her head lifted and she smiled at her companion.
"You'd really do that Evan?" She slowly raised her lips into a curved smile. Evan side tracked and nodded his head. Squeezing her hand tighter as he looked into her light brown eyes.
Evan felt his stomach rumble, his eyes widened and his cheeks went pink. "I need to go to the bathroom." He jumped off the side of the couch, dropping his phone on the leather seat. Sydney watched it fall as he hurried to the bathroom.
Temptation, she eyed the black iPhone for what felt like eternity. She grazed it up and down, hoping to see Evan come back before she invaded his privacy.
She unlocked it, the password was an easy ten-ten. She scrolled down his private Instagram messages. Nothing but business related and memes. Rolling her eyes, she clicked on messages. Most recent and steamiest, it was under Delirious.
They were no extra symbols, yet she was curious. She clicked, thinking it'd be a simple text.
"What the fuck?" Sydney rarely cursed. Even when she did, she'd never expect to see some white guy with another girl. She jumped and dropped the phone when she heard the bathroom close shut. Quickly grabbing it and closing out of the app. She ran to the kitchen, calming herself down.
"Hey Sydney! Why don't we go to that cool ice cream place? I heard it has fresh strawberries." Evan teased as he leaned against the kitchen tiled wall. With ample eyes, Sydney steadily tried to stop her heavy breathing. Her nostrils visibly flared as she struggled to speak. "Yeah we can talk as we walk there."
Speed walking to her bag, she opened the door. Evan guessed he had to follow her. Together they waited for the steel elevator to take them down to the main floor. They stood two inches apart, Sydney clutched her bag closer to her as he stared at the brick walls. Evan cleared his throat, "Are you having another episode Sydney?"

The elevator door open, both of them walked in. The button pushed and Evan waited for an answer. Sydney held her hand out, Evan expected her to want a hand hold. She pulled away, "Your phone. If you don't want to give it to me then I'll just tell you."
Evan's heart dropped to his stomach. He shut his eyes and tried his best to act confused. "What do you mean?"
She laughed, "I think I'm seeing things." She rested her head against the wall. The door opened and Evan softly grabbed her arm.
"Let's get some ice cream to calm you down babe."

Evan watched Sydney fall asleep, she was tired from the constant explaining. She felt trapped, as if she didn't know what was real or surreal. He gave her a sedation for her frustrations.
"What the hell was she talking about?" Evan looked through his gallery, his social media to see nothing was odd. He went through his messages and saw nothing wrong. He clicked on Delirious' contact seeing an image of him and another woman.
His smooth white face, his pink tongue and luscious slim lips, against a tan girls body. His eyes looked up at the camera, dark blue and his eyebrows light brown. Evan gulped as he shut his phone off. He quickly turned it on, dialing his friend.

"What the hell was that?" Evan whispered as he walked outside the condo. He could hear Delirious on the other line munching on something crunchy.

"I thought you might of wanted to see something different. I didn't mean for you to get angry." He made an extra y as he said angry. Teasing his voice as if he wanted Evan to be furious at him.

Evan sighed as he leaned against the brick wall, "My girlfriend saw it. She's not going through a good time....Just.. back off." Evan hesitated, he didn't want to push away his friend, he didn't want to see him with other people, he wanted to be with him. Yet he felt like he owed Sydney, for some reason.

Jonathan scoffed, his voice deepened as he spoke in awe. "You fucking serious right now? You... are you fucking dumb?"
Evan could hear that Jonathan got up from whatever he was sitting on and started pacing. Breathing from his mouth heavily.

"Man, it was stupid what we were doing anyways." Evan could recall the first time he saw Delirious, how young they both were. All the times they unintentionally said things. The times they made jokes towards each other, how it turned  on them.

     "You... change your mind so easily. No one has seen my face but you. I trust you! I... lo-. You know what." The silence caused tears in Evan's eyes. It made him feel the somber and want he had for Delirious. He looked at his phone and saw his friend hung up. He doesn't care.
     Evan went back inside, shutting the door, resting his head against the black wood.

     While Jonathan stared at his white smooth wall. So hard on himself he muttered, "It's bad. You're ugly." He shook his head, no I'm not. He shrugged it off and went on his computer, scrolling through Twitter. Evan's so happy with Sydney.

     "He's gonna leave you." Jonathan smiled, his cheeks getting red. "I'm gonna take him."

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