Karma: Chapter Two

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Karma: Chapter Two

"Mom? It's Audrey, you know, your daughter?"

"Hi honey, which one?"

Now would be the time to tell you my mom likes to sleep around, therefore having tons of kids in the process. I think I have like eight half-siblings. We're not as close as normal siblings, but we're close enough. She also has another little girl named Audrey, she's eleven.

"Audrey Milan," I answered.

Unlike the other people who sleep with strangers, Mom keeps in touch with us kids. We actually have a relationship with her. It's not strong, but it's still something.

"Hi Audi, what's up? Are we still on for Saturday? I can't wait to meet him!"

"Actually...no. He's not coming on Saturday..."

"Why not?" She actually sounded a bit disappointed.

"We broke up."

"You did? I'm so sorry. I know how much he meant to you. You want me to give him a piece of my mind?"

I chuckled. "No, Mom. It's okay."

"Are you okay?"

"Honestly, no. I'm a wreck."

"I'll be coming over on Saturday anyway. Instead of meeting him, we can go for a spa day and junk food, yeah?"

That sounded nice. I needed to just relax. "Thanks Mom." 

"Anytime. Call Sam for me, will you? He's having girl issues and needs some advice. He won't take any from his old mom, but he'll take some from his older sister."

"Will do."

"Thanks honey. I have to go-another client. He's paying me the big bucks, so you'll have an advance on your allowance. Bye!"

The phone clicked and the line went dead. At least one thing good came out of this, an all-expensed paid trip and more money.

I changed my relationship status on Facebook from 'in a relationship' to single. It killed me, but it had to be done. Apparently Cameron already changed his to 'in a relationship with Julia Pipers'. If there was a dislike button, I would've clicked it. An hour later, I had 57 likes and 48 comments. Most of them were from the idiot guys at our school and the jealous girls that have been wishing Cam was theirs.

I wasn't ready to face school on Monday. I would be bombarded with questions about why the 'it couple' broke up and receiving fake sympathetic looks. Anna was furious that I went behind her back and went to see him. That was soon over because then she stepped into the best friend role and brought over tubs of ice cream and a bunch of crappy romance movies.

"Why can't you see that he totally wants you? You can't reject Channing Tatum like that, Rachel," I shouted at the television, angrily shoving my spoon into a tub of chocolate ice cream.

We were watching The Vow for the third time and Anna was looking at me like I was going absolutely crazy. I frowned at her and said innocently, "What?" 

She shook her head, laughing a little. "You're missing him, aren't you?" she whispered.

There was no denying it. I was shouting at people in the TV, how insane could I get? That's what I've been doing for the past five hours-calling the characters stupid, bawling my eyes out, and shortening my life with junk food.

I didn't have to say anything to Anna; she understood, which is why I loved her. When I told her things, she didn't press for details. She just left it, knowing if I wanted to tell her, I would. She was also smart, like future Valedictorian smart.

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