"Where did you come from?"

"I let myself in."


"After you hired me."

"I hired you?"

"I accept."


he gives Ludo his business card before leaving. The business card bears the creature's name: Toffee.

The next day, comet still worships fortune cookies as being prophetic. Marco confesses that he was only playing a trick on him, but comet does not believe him. Marco told ____ to help him but ____ just shurg and do nothing because she also belive in the fortune cookie back to comet his next fortune reads, "An unexpected visitor will soon arrive." To prove his point, Marco opens the front door and says no one is there. But as soon as he mentions nachos, Ferguson appears. Marco tries to get Ferguson to side with him, but Ferguson also believes fortune cookies are real. Comet unwraps another fortune, and it reads, "Reach for the stars and achieve your dream."
Comet use his magic wand and blasts a hole in the ceiling"Pegasus feathers! I have always dreamed of having a skylight in here! Oh wait that was actually ____ dream"marco groam

Meanwhile, at Ludo's castle, Ludo shows Toffee to the castle breakroom, where Ludo's monsters are dancing and goofing off. The fly monster sticks a "KICK ME" sign to the frill-neck monster's back. The lizard monster kicks him into Bearicorn, and Bearicorn shoves him into Beard Deer. All of the monsters begin roughhousing then Buff Frog appears through a dimensional portaland reports to Ludo about comet and ____ fortune cookie obsession. This gives Toffee an idea, but Buff Frog is unsure that he can be trusted.

Later that day, comet and ____ has one fortune cookie left. Marco again tries to convince them that food can not predict the future, but they does not listen, mentioning that Mewni has calzones that predict a person's death. As two of Ludo's monsters distract comet,____and Marco while disguised as street performers, a third monster sneaks up and replaces comet's and ____'s last cookie with another one.

Suddenly, the rest of Ludo's army jumps out to attack. Before Marco can fight them, comet and ____ reads there last fortune: "Love is always the answer." Blindly trusting in the fortune, comet and ____ refuses to fight back. They only gives the monsters hugs _____ hug Beard Deer as he briefly looks confused before hugging ____ back.Ludo thinks this is a perfect opportunity to take both twin there wand and ____, but Toffee holds him back, telling him to have patience. Marco kicks Big Chicken. A large egg lands in his hands. He throws it in Buff Frog's face. Bearicorn shoves Marco into Three-eyed Potato Baby and Beard Deer. Marco steps on Three-eyed Potato Baby's foot and knocks him away, then tosses Beard Deer off-screen. When the two-headed monster approaches from behind, Marco does a jumping split kick to its two heads."comet! ____!Forget that stupid fortune! Help me!"marco yell and karate chops giraffe monster "Marco, don't fight. Then they'll stop fighting you. Trust the cookie!"comet said hugging warthog monster Ludo's monsters toss Marco into a dumpster. Bearicorn uses his horn to lock it shut.With Marco having to fight on his own, the monsters quickly overpower him and trap him in a dumpster. As ____ hugs the unnamed two headed monster,Ludo moves in to seize the wand, but the monster is enjoying ____'s hug too much to carry out the plan. Feeling guilty, the two-headed monster tells Star everything about Ludo's plan and says fortune cookies truly are not real. "Huh? Okay, look, comet and ____. This is really hard to say, but if this is gonna go any further, I want our relationship to have a foundation of honesty." Said the right head "Me too."said leaf head "
So confused"comet said beside ____ looking at the two headed monster "Anyway, I hope-"right head said before being cut of by leaf head "We hope." "We hope this isn't a deal breaker."The dumpster flies into Ludo and the two-headed monster. Marco opens the lid.
Comet and _____finally accepts the truth and blasts the monsters away with a mushroom blast. On top of a roof, Toffee watches _____ with much curiosity

Defeated, Ludo and his army retreat through a dimensional portal. Comet and ____ apologizes to Marco for not listening to him, and Marco apologizes for playing a trick on them. The Chinese restaurant employee from before appears through a back door and offers comet more stale fortune cookies, and comet accepts. Comet and Marco read one last fortune together: "A great evil has been unleashed." ____ open one by herself and inside said " beware of a love bethwen friend and enemys"Comet and marco are amused by the fortunes and throw it away.

Back at Ludo's castle, Ludo and Toffee toast their new partnership with Mewnian swamp water. Though they were defeated yet again, Ludo is pleased because that was the closest they had ever gotten to victory. Toffee looks out the window toward Butterfly Castle and says Ludo is not "the first monster to fall victim to their magic." As Ludo fantasizes about owning the magic wand, Toffee gazes ominously into the distance thinking about a plan for ______.

comet and (Y/N) vs the forces of evil (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now