Chapter 66

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Warning: Cute Fluff

*Monday Morning*

Diannes POV

I woke up, cuddling into Joes arms.
"Morning sleeping beauty." Joe smiled, kissing my forehead.
"Morning prince charming." I smiled, sitting on his lap.  He smiled, holding me close to him.
"Youre cute." He whispered, rubbing circles onto my side.
"And youre handsome." I said, putting my hand on his cheek. I loved mornings like this. Waking up before our alarm giving us time to just cuddle. I kissed him gently before pulling away, resting my head on his shoulder as he rubbed circles on my back. I huffed as the alarm went off, meaning that we had to go get ready for school.
"Come on, itll be over before you know it." He smiled. I dragged myself out the bed, walking into my room. I took my clean uniform out my wardrobe, getting changed before frenchbraiding my hair.  I put on some light makeup, grabbing my lipgloss and applying it before slipping it into my pocket. I grabbed my bag before heading towards Joes room, knocking and walking in. He was buttoning up his shirt.
"Oh you look cute without it." I smiled, walking over as he tucked his shirt in.
"Oh really?" He smirked, pulling me close. I nodded, leaning up and kissing him before pulling away.
"Yes. But you need to finish getting ready?" I giggled, sitting down on his bed as he put on hie tie and blazer, sorting out his hair. We headed down to breafast, having the usual poptarts, eating them as if it were a race. I laughed, crumbs falling out my mouth as Joe went bright red, having spilt water all down himself when he got a drink. I swallowed my mouthfall, taking the plates to the sink and washing them up before we walked upstairs to the bathroom, brushing out teeth. We grabbed out bags, slipping on our shoes before heading to school.

On the way we caught up with Jack, AJ and Conor. Joe started talking to Conor, his arm securely round my waist. Jack and AJ kept 'secretly' stealing kisses from each other however it wasnt very secret. We walked through the gates, being the first of our group there. I laughed, AJ and Jack having their early morning make out. I sighed, listening to Joe and Conor talking about science. I smiled, Josh, Caspar and Lauren soon getting here.
"Lauren come here." I smiled, pulling her out of Joshs arms. I took the lipgloss out my pocket, putting some on her lips before she could protesr. "I knew it would suit you." I giggled.
"Dianne youre the weirdest girl I know." She laughed, giving me a slight hug.
"I know." I smiled, trying to put some on Joe.
"Babe what are you doing?" He laughed a little, taking the lipgloss, closing it and putting it back in my pocket. I pouted, smiling when he kissed me. "No lipgloss." He said when he pulled away.
"Well since you kissed me you have some on your lips." I laughed, watching as he wiped it off. The bell soon went, all of us heading to our tutors.

Joes POV

I smiled, sitting down in tutor.
"Thinking about Dianne again?" Bryon pretended to be annoyed, however we all laughed.
"No." I lied, however they saw straight through it.
"Whatever you say." Caspar said. We all glanced at Josh, the male having stayed silent.
"See Josh cant tease me now since hes got someone on his mind." I smirked, Josh going redder than Diannes hair.
"S-shut up!" He blushed.
"Awwwww." We all smiled, Josh rolling his eyes. Our teacher walked in, silencing us before taking the register. I sighed, the bell soon going. We grabbed out bags, heading towards science. We walked in, Lauren and Dianne sitting there, the boys behind them. I smiled, taking a seat next to the red head.
"Hey babe." I smiled, kissing her forehead. She smiled back at me.
"Hey." She said sweetly before going back to talking to Lauren. I turned round, talking to the boys until the teacher began the lesson. I wrote down the necessary notes, humming a little as I did so. Dianne glanced up at me, flashing me an innocent smile before continuing with her work. I put an arm round her shoulders once I finished writing, the girl slightly leaning against me, whispering what she was writing. I didnt say anything, her whispers causing me to relax, however I didnt realise that I was tense. The teacher began talking, putting on a video. I watched as Josh threw a ball of paper onto Laurens desk, the girl opening it, a blush appearing on her cheeks. She wrote something back before passing it back to him, watching the video. I kept my arm round Dianne, gently rubbing circles on her shoulder. She smiled, the video soon ending, writing down some notes miss then put on the board for us to copy down. I smiled, jumping a little when the bell went.
"Ill see you at break." I said, packing my things away before walking to art.

Diannes POV

I walked with AJ, Josh and Lauren to the sports hall and gym, walking with Lauren up to the changing rooms.
"Any new dances youre working on?" Lauren asked as we began to change.
"Well we have an assignment to choreograph a dance of our choice. AJ and I were thinking on doing a foxtrot." I smiled.
"Ill nod and pretend I know what that is." Lauren smiled, laughing a little.
"Its a ballroom dance." I laughed. She nodded, throwing her hair up into a high ponytail.
"Well, Im off to go beat the boys in football, Ill see you later." Lauren said, putting on her football boots before leaving. I smiled, finishing getting dressed before heading down to the gym, AJ stretching. I walked over, stretching with him as we talked about a few ideas. The teacher called us over, taking the register before letting us go off and work on the assignments.
"So how should we do this?" AJ asked. We talked about a few ideas before finally settling on some of the choreography. We got into hold, practicing the first half, both of us smiling as we did so, glad things were going well with the dance so far. We stopped dancing, changing a couple things, adding some more things onto the dance, going over it again. I smiled, the teacher sending us up to the changing rooms. I walked in, Lauren wiping mud off her legs.
"How?" I laughed a little, getting changed.
"One of the boys tripped me up. Josh gave them a bleeding nose." She laughed slightly.
"Joe once broke Joshs nose."
"Wait why?" Lauren asked confused while we changed.
"He found out Josh and Caspar beat me up. Yeah Josh was a dick to me before. Hes cool now, like my brother." I said.
"Well I could easily beat him up if I had to." She joked a little.
"I know." I laughed, putting my blazer on. The bell soon went, the two of us walking to meet AJ and Josh outside the sports hall before we walked into the canteen.

When we got there we was the boys all sat there. AJ walked over to Jack, sitting next to him, giving him a kiss. I smiled, sitting next to Joe.
"Whos your new friend?" I asked, seeing a small fake plant that he was staring at.
"I have to draw it for art." He laughed slightly. "I recon we should name it."
"Lets name it Shirley." I said and he nodded.
"Aww!" Mikey started. "Joannes first kid." He said. Joe laughed, hugging me.
"We shall raise this fake plant well." He laughed, all of us laughing at his comment. I smiled, all of us splitting off into our own conversations, Joe telling me about how Zoes birthday was coming up.
"What you going to get her?" I asked and he shrugged.
"Probably makeup, Ill just need you to help me out." He said and I nodded.
"I can do that." I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder. The bell soon went, all of us grabbing our things.
"See you later." Joe smiled as I walked to maths with Oli and Byron.

*After School*

I smiled, meeting Joe at the gates. He took my hand, smiling down at me as we walked back to his. We didn't talk much, justing enjoying eachothers company.
"Hey Di." He said suddenly.
"Whats up?"
"I love you." He smiled, stopping before kissing me. I smiled, kissing back before pulling away. Joe kissed my forehead, continuing out walk back to the house. We walked inside, running up to his room and diving onto his bed. He pulled me into a hug, holding me tightly.
"Please never leave me."
"I dont plan on it."


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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