Chapter 55

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Warning: Bullying

*Tuesday Morning*

Joes POV

Dianne and I were on our way to school before someone jumped on Diannes back, making her squeal in surprise.
"Gotcha!" Lauren smiled, jumping off her back, walking next to Dianne.
"Oh hey Lauren." Dianne smiled. The two had become quite close since Lauren joined our friendship group.
"Hey." I smiled, taking Diannes hand into mine.
"Got PE today." Lauren smiled. "Gonna beat the boys again."
"Of course you will." Dianne laughed. "Youre amazing!"
"It took a lot of training. Besides people underestimate me since Im a girl and because of my arm. They think I wont do as well as them. Little do they know." She smiled. Lauren seemed to have such a positive outlook on everything.

We approched the gates, Dianne leaning against me.
"I dont wanna go!"
"No one does!" I smiled, walking over to our friendship group.
"Oi! AJ! Jack!" Lauren laughed, the two pulling away from each other.
"What?" Jack huffed, AJ resting his head on Jacks shoulder.
"The power couple have arrived thats what!" I laughed.
"Were better!" Jack protested.
"You wish!" Dianne and I said in sync. We all laughed, the bell soon going.
"See you later." I smiled, kissing Diannes forehead before we all walked to our tutors.

Laurens POV

I walked into tutor, sitting down as far away as I could from Scarlett and her skanky crew. Ever since I left their group they had started picking on me for my arm. Its not like it was something I could help.
"Oi! Lauren! Found someone who wants to hold your stump?" Scarlett smirked. I looked down, hugging myself.
"Guess not. I mean, who would want to date her anyway?" Emma, one of Scarletts minions, sassed.
"Youre right. No one." Scarlett smirked. Our tutor quietened us all down before taking the register. I sighed, looking down at my arm. Was I really that unloveable?

The bell went around 5 minutes later. I picked up my bags, heading towards the sports hall for PE. It didnt intimidate me being the only girl in my class. I quite liked it since I wouldnt have any other girls judging me. I couldn't tell you half the boys names. I walked into the changing rooms, seeing Diannes changing to her dance kit.
"Hey Di."
"Hey Lauren." She smiled, putting her leggings on.
"So, what dance you doing today?"
"Commercial." She smiled. "Something a little different, but I like to try new things." She said, putting on her shoes before leaving. I finished getting dressed, tying up my hair before walking outside, waiting for our teacher.
I sighed, hugging myself since it was cold. I looked over at the boys.
"Youre not gonna beat us today."
"Well we will have to see." I smiled, the teacher walking over and taking the register. We all got in our places on the track before sir blew a whistle, all of us running. I overtook them all quite quickly, staying in first place for the whole 800m run. I sat down, playing with my hair while waiting for everyone else to finish.

Joshs POV

Shes irritating. She won again. I rolled my eyes, standing in the circle the class has created while sir was talking to us.
"You have a theory lesson next week. Youll be set homework in that lesson as well." He said, causing us all to groan. "Lauren we have cross country practice on Friday at first break. Just meet us here, Ill go through everything then." He said. Lauren smiled and nodded. She had a pretty sm- Josh stop it! You dont like her. She doesn't like you. I huffed, sorting my hair our since it had been messed up by the wind.
"Right I dont want you to get cold. Run one more lap then you can head back inside." Sir said, all of us running, Lauren ahead like normal. She must train a lot. Ive always wanted to be on the cross country team yet never made it. Shes been here 5 minutes and shes already on it. Id have to ask her how often she trains.

After we finished our lap we all headed inside. While we were getting changed AJ walked in, a little sweaty.
"Have fun?" I asked.
"Obviously." He smiled, changing out his dance kit, putting his uniform back on which he had left folded neatly on the bench. I got changed, not really caring how scruffy I looked. The bell went and I grabbed my bags, heading towards science. The only good thing about this lesson was that we were all in it, meaning that it made it bearable. I took my seat, talking to Caspar about some cute girl he had seen.
"Caspar she wont want to get with you."
"You dont know that!"
"I do." I laughed, being given my science book. I opened it, writing the date and title.
"You dont do much work do you?" Lauren asked, giving Caspar his book. "Makes sense as to why Im better at getting good scores huh?" She teased, giving Dianne her book, the red head laughing a little.
"Its not funny Dianne."
"But it is." She laughed, Lauren sitting next to the aussie girl. I sighed, hardly paying attention in the lesson which makes no difference to normal.

Diannes POV

I know I shouldnt but..... I ship it! I mean, Joe and I will always be the best couple, everyone agrees.....except AJ and Jack, however Lauren and Josh just seemed to have that connection. They act like they hate each other but if they really got to know each other I bet they would get along quite well. I smiled, writing down notes whenever I needed to, letting Lauren copy some that she wasnt able to get since Miss changes the slides on the whiteboard quite quickly. I smiled, looking to my other side to see Joe trying to understand what was going on.
"Ill help you later." I said softly, Joe smiling, taking my hand.
"Thanks." He whispered, writing down a few more notes.
"However you have to help me with something else in return."


Left it on a little bit of a cliff hanger, however its kinda obvious what Dianne is planning

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