Chapter 56

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Warning: Alcohol (allowed)


Diannes POV

Today was the day that my plan would be put in action. Joe actually agreed with it which was surprising.

I was sat in first period, however I couldn't pay attention. I was thinking about tonight. Joe was having a party. A lot of people were invited but Scarlett and her crew werent allowed through that door.
"Dianne, whats the answer?"
I looked up, seeing the question on the board.
"X = 5." I said, my teacher nodding.
"Nice save." Oli whispered, making me laugh a little.
"It wasnt too difficult." I smiled. I opened the textbook, looking at the questions before writing them down, answering them quickly.
"So Dianne, what you wearing to the party?"
"Dunno." I shrugged. "Ill find something later." I smiled, finishing before the two.
"Well, Ill be wearing nothing special." Byron laughed.
"Same here." Oli laughed and I rolled my eyes, smiling softly.
"Why doesn't that surprise me." I laughed, the teacher shhing us.
"Shut up you old bitch." Byron muttered, Oli and I trying not to laugh.
"You can say that again."
"Shut up you-"
"I didnt literally mean it." Oli laughed, Byron huffing.

Joes POV

Dianne was sneaky I had to admit. I bet youre wondering what the plan is? Let me explain.

This party is a set up. Well, kind of. I wanted a party anyway, however this one is to help out dear friends Lauren and Josh find out how they really feel about each other. So were having a party, and knowing Josh he wont get wasted but he will get a little drunk. Lauren would too. Theyd still have control of their actions of course, we wouldnt do anything bad. Then we play the good old fashion game of 7 minutes in heaven, where Dianne will nominate those two to go together. Normally in the game you would kiss the person you go into the closet with, however if Lauren and Josh have some sort of feelings with each other, theyll kiss. See? Perfect plan. Nothing neither of them wont concent to since they will agree to play, and they will still have the choice to kiss even if theyre a little tipsy.

My thoughts were interupted by the bell ringing. I groaned, it only being the start of second period. I packed my things away, putting my bag on my back before walking towards science with the boys. I smiled, seeing Dianne talking to Lauren.
"Hey babe." I smiled, kissing Diannes forehead before sitting down.
"Hey." She smiled happily at me before continuing to talk to Lauren. I turned round, talking to Caspar.
"Hey Joe, we got a supply." Caspar said and I smirked.
"We dont have to do anything!" I laughed, putting an arm round Diannes shoulders as I turned back around, not even bothering to write the date and title while Dianne was working already.
"Babe chill." I smiled. "Its not a race."
"If it was I would be winning." Lauren smiled, shooting a look at Josh who scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"Youre funny." I laughed a little.
"I know." Lauren smiled innocently. "One of us has to be funny." She said, making me gasped.
"Dont worry, I think youre funny." Dianne smiled, kissing my cheek.
"At least someone does." I smiled, Dianne smiling brightly up at me before continuing with her work.
"Oi Joe. Got any gum?"
"Jack if I had any I wouldnt give it to you." I laughed. "Caspar has some."
"Gimme!" Jack said childishly, Caspar rolling his eyes, giving him some gum, Jack smiling.
"Surprised you didnt ask AJ."
"I did. He wont let me have any."
"I had one piece left." AJ pouted, side hugging Jack.
"Okay fine, I forgive you." Jack smiled, AJ giggling before slowly going back to his work, getting distracted quite easily but the supidest things.
"Hey guys." Conor said, all of us looking at him. "What we all doing after the party?"
"You can stay over in the spare rooms and stuff." I said, all of them agreeing. "However you gotta come over early and help set up." I smirked, making them all groan. "Oh dont conplain." I laughed.

The bell soon went before we knew it, all of us walking to the canteen, Jack and AJ 'secretly' exchanging kisses every so often.
"Move it." Scarlett snapped, pushing AJ out the way so she could walk through with her girls.
"Got a problem?" Jack snapped, putting an arm round AJ.
"Clearly." She smirked, walking into the canteen, sitting at their table. Jack wasnt impressed, holding AJ close when we sat down.

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