Chapter 64

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Warning: A lotta tea, Abuse, Bullying, Harsh Language.

*The Next Day*

Diannes POV

I woke up, seeing Joe already awake. We were still cuddled up in the pillow fort.
"Morning gorgeous." He smiled as I sat up.
"Morning." I said, resting my head on his shoulder.
"You ready for another day of school?"
"No." I whined.
"Well mum said we need to go in." He sighed and rolled out the fort. I giggled, climbing out and stretching.
"Well Im sure we can survive the wrath of Melony and Scarlett." I sighed, running my fingers through my knotty hair. I sighed, slowly stumbling to my room having tripped over my own feet, making myself laugh. I walked in, slowly getting dressed before brushing the knots out my hair, wincing a little. I threw it up into a ponytail before applying little makeup. I sighed and grabbed my back, walking towards Joes room
"Hey." I smiled, walking in and sitting down on the bed while he finished getting ready himself.
"You think theyll bother us today?" He asked, talking about Melony and Scarlett.
"Probably, we seem like their only form of entertainment." I sighed. He nodded, fixing his hair before swinging his bag onto his back. I smiled, taking his hand as we walked downstairs, putting our bags down before I put some poptarts in the toaster.

Joes POV

I smiled, watching Dianne before hearing my phone go off.

Josh: Lauren and I arent coming in today.
Joe: Whys that? Planning something special? 😏
Josh: Err no. Even if I was Id tell Caspar first.
Joe: Im offended.
Josh: Good. Anyway, Im taking her out since her mums being an asshole.
Joe: Ill tell Dianne, make sure shes alright.
Josh: Will do.

"Who you messaging?" Dianne asked, putting my plate down in front of me before sitting down next to me.
"Josh. He was just saying that him and Lauren arent coming in."
"How come?"
"Laurens mum is being a bitch so hes taking her out to try destress her I guess." I said, taking a bite of my poptart.
"Hope shes okay." Dianne sighed.
"Me too." I sighed, finishing my breakfast. When she finished hers we washed up the plates before doing our daily race to the bathroom, Dianne winning. I smiled, both of us brushing our teeth. We soon walked back downstairs, putting on our shoes before grabbing our bags. We began our walk to school, walking just us two having not caught up with the others.
"Oh look who it is. Joe and his pet dog." We heard Melony say behind us.
"Oh shut up." I scoffed. "Just because you two are jealous that Id never like you guys you cant just go after Dianne."
"Aww how cute. Hes sticking up for her because she cant stick up for herself. How tragic." Scarlett smirked.
 "Oh really." Dianne said, walking closer to them. "Then how come we got Melony expelled, and we managed to get you away from AJ then away from Lauren. Your trashy games arent working. So why dont you just take a step back and leave us alone?" Dianne snapped.
"Youll regret that."
"You always say that. Get a new phrase." She huffed, walking back over to me, taking my hand as we continued our walk to school. We walked over to our friends.
"Everythings going well then." I smirked, seeing Jack and AJ having their early morning make out.
"Unfortunately." Conor scoffed, making us all laugh.
"Just because I have AJ and you dont doesnt mean you need to be all salty about it." Jack said, making AJ blush.
"See sometimes I think 'you know, Jack and AJ may br cuter than me and Joe' then I realise....that's not actually possible." Dianne said, Oli high fiving her.
"Just because were iconic." AJ scoffed. We laughed, the bell ringing.
"Ill see you in science." I said, kissing Diannes forehead before walking towards tutor.

Diannes POV

I walked to tutor with Oli, Conor and Mikey.
"Hey Di, you know where Josh and Lauren are?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah Lauren wasnt too good so hes taken her out for the day to help her relax." I said, the boy nodding.
"Okay guys I know its only Tuesday but I was thinking that soon we go out again." Conor said. "Doesnt matter where as long as its a good night."
"Sounds fun." Oli said. "Josh knows the best places so he can show us." He said and I nodded.
"I wanna go somewhere we havent been before." I spoke up. They glanced over at me. "Itll be fun." I smiled sweetly and they nodded.
"Youre right." Conor said before our tutor silenced us, taking the register. The bell soon rang, all of us grabbing our bags and walking to science. I walked in, sitting down next to Joe.
"Hey." He smiled.
"Hi." I said, getting my stuff out my bag. I put my bag on the floor before writing the date and title in my book, Joe handing me some gum. I smiled and put it in my mouth, chewing on it silently as I wrote down notes when it was needed. I felt Joe put an arm round my waist and I smiled, blushing when I heard Caspar jokingly whistle behind us.
"Shut up." I laughed, Joe smiling and kissing my forehead.
"Can I copy some of of your notes?" He whispered and I nodded.
"Yeah sure." I said softly, moving my book so it wad facing him. The teacher passed round a sheet which I worked on before helping Joe, not letting him copy my answered. He smiled a little, happy when he got all the answers right.
"Im smart!" He whispered to me, making me giggle.
"Getting there." I laughed as he nudged me playfully.
"Stop flirting Im trying to work!" Jack said, all of us laughing, the teacher having a go at us.
"Chill out." I heard Conor mutter and I had to hold in my laughter.

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