in your arms and yours only

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We were sat on his sofa, watching eastenders. I have no idea why it just came on and we were talking through most of it anyway. He gently put his arm around my shoulders, and kissed me lightly on my forehead. He was so warm and gentle and i loved how he smelt of honey, sunshine, fresh cookies, vanilla and cinnamon. So this is what it felt like to be in love...

I woke up in the dead of night somewhere by a text... i had no idea where... but then i remebered last night... the best night of my life. I was in fionn's house, and i had fallen asleep in his arms... he was asleep on top of me. His hair so delicate across his face, his chest rising and lowering slowly and gently. The text was from demi. "Ive told your mum we went to eat and you came to study at mine. It was so late you had to stay the night and your phone died so you couldnt tell her." i quickly tapped; "thanks xx" , with no hesitation i told her everything about fionn. How his nickname was shark fin and how he gave me his coat in the rain. I told her everything, then curled back up into his arms and fell back to sleep. It was like his arms were protecting me from all evil in the world. Like i would be safe, as long as i was with him.

Fionn Whitehead // i think i'm in loveWhere stories live. Discover now