The Coffee Shop

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It's just a normal (ish) Friday... school... Laya's (that's a coffee shop by the way that me and Demi go to everyday after school) ... ok well the Laya's part wasn't normal. Me and Demi go there everyday yet today was unusual. It didn't feel normal that afternoon around five o'clock after school. It was almost as if I was anticipating it, or I knew what was going to happen. Ok well I didn't know what was going to happen but what I did know was something was going to happen. It were almost as if Demi could feel the same energy too. We only go there because it's cheap and being a 16 year old in London doesn't give you much money...

we walked in but everything seemed normal. Our usual booth was free and the same Mrs Addams sat at her usual table whilst Simon stood behind the counter. Simon didn't crack up at some terrible joke he had just made. In fact he didn't make any jokes, or even act like he knew us, which he definitely did as he was only dating Demi around two weeks ago. "What to you want then?" He asked impatiently waking me up from my daydream. "Um... our usual" Demi mumbled. "And that is?" Simon replied, a touch of hatred in his tone. Simon was not in his normal mood today either and hearing him so angry was strange as he was usually the happiest of souls. "Oh shit what do we usually have?" Demi asked."Sorry Simon. Two cappuccinos, one with - Demi what is it?" I asked. "Soya" "ok and one with soya please." I muttered, blatantly scared Simon would kill me as of his mood. "Sure. £2:00 then" Simon handed over two coffee cups into my hands, extremely forcefully. With so much force my mug slipped and rolled onto the floor, spraying coffee all over the floor. "What the fuck have you done?" Simon yelled. "Don't talk to her like that you dick!" Demi shouted, prodding her finger into Simon's chest. They argued and yelled at each other, it was all really scary for anyone who had to witness it. "Hey, want some help with that?" whispered a soft, sweet and quiet voice. I turned around to see a beaming face with tortoise shell, horn-rimmed glasses. And let me tell you his smile was sweeter than sugar and cuter than any kitten. With freckles sprinkled across his nose and cheeks, he just looked so soft, and caring. His hair was chocolate brown and had the most beautiful curls. In his eyes was a glint of kindness, so mesmerising i had to obtain myself from staring any further. "Oh, um yes please." i muttered. His utter gorgeousness was so distracting, and the fact that he was talking to ME, and wanted to help ME stopped me from even getting the words out my mouth. "Hey, um do you want to like, get away? You know... from the situation," he chuckled and it was like music to my ears. I looked at Demi arguing with Simon. But then i looked at this boy. And his eyes. His beautiful face. "Yeah. thanks." i discreetly tapped Demi on the shoulder. "I think i'll go. Here," i slipped a £5 note into the palm of her hand. "No, no-" "its fine. I'll have to call you later. We can talk then." i mumbled, worried i was wasting time i could be spending with the most beautiful man on earth, no, in fact in all existence. Perfect.

Fionn Whitehead // i think i'm in loveWhere stories live. Discover now