Chapter 3

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Yaz awoke the next morning, lying on her bed, still in yesterdays clothes. Her eyes stung and her skin felt tight from the tears. She remembered back to last night, the harsh words the doctor had said. She remembered retreating to her room, no longer able to look at her face. She collapsed on her bed and cried herself to sleep.

Once she'd showered and got dressed, she made her way into the console room, hoping Ryan and Graham were already up. She heard Ryan's laughter as she walked down the corridor and it eased her mood slightly. As she walked into the room, she was met with Graham's smiling face.

"You alright Yaz? You don't look well." He said looking at her concerned.

Obviously, her makeup hadn't done a good enough job of hiding her sleepless night, "I'm fine, just didn't sleep well is all."

Graham nodded, thankfully accepting her excuse and not pushing further. She glanced over to the doctor and noticed she was staring at her as well, Yaz noticed a flicker of concern and sympathy before she turned back to the console.

"So where to next fam?" the doctor said, running around the console pulling levers. It wasn't fair, Yaz thought, the doctor had sprung back to normal while Yaz still felt so terrible.

"Can we have a calm one today doc?" Graham asked "I don't think I've recovered from yesterday" he chuckled rubbing his back as if to prove his point.

"How about a resort planet, it orbits Jangra IV so always has the perfect sunset. Cocktails on the beach under the sunset? There's a slight chance of being attacked by robots but that probably won't happen if we land the right time of year" she grinned already punching in the coordinates.

"Sounds great" Ryan said walking over to Yaz.

"Yeah sounds good doc, but what was that about robots?" Graham asked concerned.

"It will be fine Graham, honestly you worry too much." The doctor smirked at him. "Yaz?" she asked softly, stopping what she was doing to let her gaze fall on the younger girl.

"Yeah, whatever, I don't mind" Yaz said averting her gaze.

The doctor nodded slightly and continued pulling levers, making the Tardis shake slightly.

"Are you ok?" Ryan said quietly to Yaz.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired" Yaz looked up at him trying to plaster a fake smile on her face, Ryan could see straight through it though.

"No, you're not, Yaz, talk to me" he said putting his hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

Yaz looked at him for a second then said "later" quietly before walking over to join Graham and the doctor, who was heading towards the doors.

They stepped out the doors and Yaz was momentarily distracted from her pain, by the beautiful view. It really was the best sunset she had ever seen. They had landed directly on the sand, it smelt exactly like the holidays she used to spend down at Blackpool, I mixture of the sea and various food smells. She turned to look at the doctor and noticed she was smiling at her instead of the view. She was quickly brought back to reality, her smile dropped as she looked at the doctor and she noticed the doctors doing the same, again concern flashing across her face.

"Come on then let's find a spot" the doctor started walking forwards then stopped "oh wait, I forgot" and she dashed back in the Tardis, leaving her friends looking confused.

Graham leaned in through the doors "err, doc?"

"Just a minute" they heard her shout back before appearing a moment later with a big bag slung over her shoulder and folding chairs under her arms. She struggled out the Tardis, trying not to drop anything, grinning at them.

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