Encounter at night - 13

Start from the beginning

"Is that your favourite food?" I asked her, still looking at her intensely while she kept her screen and paper in her vision, "no" she replied, shaking her head thoughtfully. I hoped she might speak up by herself again, but she didn't. "What is your favourite food then?" I continued, not caring enough about annoying her to stop. She glanced up at me this time, "I don't know, I have never picked one thing" she answered "Is it necessary to have one favourite thing?" she wondered then. She sounded as if she was really wondering, thinking she had missed to do something necessary and I could tell how much that bothered her. "No...no" I exclaimed and lowered my voice immediately. "It's not necessary, but everyone has this one thing I guess, like Pizza or a really nice Pasta, or Mac'n'Cheese, Meetballs..." I listed. "I wouldn't eat any of that" she mumbled, looking at her work again "and why is that?" I wondered aloud. My skin was feeling tickly with tension. I was hoping to find out more, I somehow needed to.

"I don't eat animal products" she replied, stunning me. "WHAT?" I whisper-shouted, her eyes rose to look at my face "why is that so hard to believe?" she wondered, her voice only showing a small amount of interest. "Isn't that called vegan? Is that not one of those human trends?" I wondered "It is not a trend, it is a legitimate step in protecting the planet and also unnecessary to consume anything but plant-based food" she said, her voice informative and I guessed she had to argue about that often. "So you're doing it for the planet? What good does it do?" I wondered, putting all my effort into making my voice sound interested and not doubtful. She put her pen down and looked at.

"There is no way this planet can produce enough resources for everyone if we keep feeding our food to animals and then consume them or their products. It is not due to unfair spreading of resources people go to bed hungry, it's due to some countries feeling privileged and just take away resources for others" her voice remained calm, but her eyes showed me how passionate she was about this. "I've never thought about it like that" I mumbled "most have not" she only replied, waving my comment away and returned to working.
"Is that why you never eat with us?" I kept wondering, being too intrigued to let go of the conversation "Most of your meals are almost vegan as far as I know" she commented. It struck me then, she had ordered our team to follow this specific meal-plan and even though we did get to eat meat here and there, it was rare and definitely not as often as we would otherwise. She had used her authority to change our eating habits for the time she was with us.

"I ordered those changed for health reasons also" she suddenly said as if knowing my thoughts. "A plant-based diet is the most effective when it comes to giving the body good energy to build lean muscle and improve performance" she explained. Was she feeling the need to defend herself? Did she think I thought she abused her power? "No one really minds" I assured her, smiling at her. Her eyes softened a little before they began to slowly make their way down back to her laptop. They haltered and stopped, once more trained onto my exposed upper body. She fell into that sort of trance again which I began to grow used to, her breathing deepening and her eyes slightly glazing over.

I snapped for air as images entered my head, images and feelings. I could literally feel her hand on my chest, her delicate fingers tracing my muscles. I saw her face being up close, her breath brushing past my skin. The fabric was pulled down and I saw her biting her lip while looking at mine, our breaths mingled as she drew closer.
Another gasp escaped my lips as I shot back into reality, realizing it had been my imagination playing a cruel trick on me. I heard my own heart throb in my ears, my whole body shaking from its strong beat. Taes' eyes were looking at something behind me and I heard steps enter the room. "I didn't expect someone else to be here" a masculine voice said, his tenor deep and smooth. "Wasn't planned" Tae replied, her voice was cold and a clear statement of distancing her from my present.

A young man stepped into my field of vision, his dark hair only an inch shorter than hers, his skin a tiny bit darker and his body obviously well trained. His eyes scanned my appearance and I suddenly felt highly uncomfortable being so exposed. His dark brown eyes twinkled with amusement before he stopped right next to Tae. "General Curc, I don't think we have met soon-to-be Alpha" he introduced himself. I nodded as a sign of respect before lowering my gaze onto my work. I wanted to leave, feeling unwanted all of a sudden, but I was curious what he was doing here. The two of them seemed to have been planning to meet, but why at this odd hour?

General Curc yawned as he sat down, Tae looked at him, her face incredibly close to his. "Wanna coffee?" she whispered with an unbelievably soft voice. The monster of jealousy almost choked me when he reached out and touched her arm while standing up "Yeah, I'll get one, can I bring you one too?" he asked "I'll come with and finish mine" she said, grabbing her cup from the table. My eyes followed them and I choked on my own spit when I saw her walk in the kitchen after him, pulling down the fabric from her face in the process of leaving the room.
So she feels comfortable around him not wearing it, but not around me? Who is he to just touch her like that? Who is he in general?
I heard quiet chatter, but the coffee machine was muffling their conversation. Should I stay? I am clearly unwanted here... I probably have been all that time. My mood had plummeted into the cellar and I large lump had formed in my throat. I packed up my stuff and left the room through the other door in order not to go past them. Reaching my room I felt drained of all positive energy and decided to just slide back under my covers and drown in those weird feelings. I didn't care that Tae was not my mate, I felt protective over her and jealous of that guy. I could never touch her this naturally, talk to her so casually. Her eyes and her reaction had seemed as if she was embarrassed to be seen with me.

Is she feeling that way? Does it embarrass her? Well come on Marvin, you were there with your bare chest, exposing yourself like a teenager to be noticed by some girl, of course she is embarrassed. That general is a real man, doing a real job and you're a soon-to-be Alpha head over heels with someone other than your mate Rumulus said. I'm not head over heels! I left her yesterday to look for our mate, did you forget that? Yeah you did that, but look at you now! He wasn't angry, just pointing out facts. You were head over heels for her yesterday, whimpering like a pup to be padded I huffed, wanting to get him off my back I'm a wolf, don't know what messed with my instincts, it's not my fault... we're not rational he defended himself, but we both knew it was a weak defence.

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