Being a leader - 7

Start from the beginning

I let go of a breath I did not know I was holding and closed my eyes, relaxing in the reassurance that it could have been prevented though not by me.
Footsteps behind me made me turn and move so I could properly watch the experienced warriors walk in and talk among each other. They were dressed in work-out clothes, looking much like an older version of us. But they looked at Tae with huge amounts of respect and admiration as she faced them, turning her back towards me. "Warm-up" she ordered and watched them as they started with a synchronized routine unknown to me. How long had she been training them after us? I never noticed, but I did vanish into my room or the kitchen after training, not wanting to spend just one second more than necessary in the gym. I watched them with curiosity, what were those movements? Even while warming up Tae would show different individuals how to perfect a move, making it full range. With time the same moves changed and slowly became different sorts of punches in the air, weird dips with which I was sure they would throw an opponent off balance. I watched closely, fascinated by those moves.

"Sparing in two, aiming three punches one kick, dodging, catching the leg and hitting with your elbow" she said, waving one of them to come to her. "Three punches one kick" she said again, nodding for him to start. He threw the first punch and I was surprised to see her catch the fist with her hand "do it properly" she demanded, her tense shoulders and voice showing me her anger about him holding back. He nodded, his forehead furrowed as he started again, full force this time. She dodged all three of the punches effortlessly. He went in for a good sidekick, Tae grabbed over and caught the leg at her hip, taking his speed and energy, turning 180 degrees and stopping with her elbow just a centimetre away from his jaw. His eyes were wide, his shock obvious. "Take care to control each segment of the motion" she said and went over the whole process with them once again, slower this time.

The men nodded and started training among themselves while Tae walked in between, correcting here and there. I was surprised to see her from this perspective, it looked different. Being one of the people having to do what she says and being corrected had made me angry again and again. But being an observer showed me her aim for perfection as she had them do it until failure was not an option anymore. Her commands were short and sufficient, not rude, her voice was loud enough for everyone to hear and no one to miss, her posture was up straight and full of tension, being aware and ready to step in at all times, not arrogant. My view on her changed and my stomach turned again, most likely that weird hunger. I thought about going into the kitchen to get something to eat, but dinner would be ready in an hour and I was somehow glued to my log as I watched Tae explain several other combinations of hand to hand combat.

The men were more comfortable with her than my team it seemed, they listened and didn't falter to comply her commands. I saw some parents from members of my team, recognizing their faces. The older men trained hard, but I could see and smell their exhaustion after an hour or so. Tae nodded after an especially complicated row of punches and lifts "right, loosen your muscles in a jog, stretch afterwards" she ordered "But Sir, there is still time" one of the man exclaimed. I shrunk a little, disobeying her was never a good idea and I hoped he was prepared for her fireback. "There is" she simply said and nodded "tomorrow" she added and turned to the man standing to her left, giving me a chance to see her face. The form of her mouth had moved into a smile under the fabric and her eyes twinkled with amusement "it will do no one any good if you're unable to comply your duties tomorrow" she told him and he nodded "of course" he replied, his voice respectful, showing he understood.

I remembered her saying how a leader must know how much his team was capable of, to push them hard, but never too hard. Tae had pushed those men hard, had them training at the verge of their fitness level, but was preventing them from overworking their muscles. She took care, because she was responsible. I seemed to get that now, looking at her back as she walked away and into the house.

The men finished their stretching and cooling down, saying good bye to those who would eat dinner with their wives at home. I knew some of them had lost their mates and were eating in the pack house near their adult kids who lived here. Those with family mostly ate with them, enjoying the time they had at home. Sometimes those preparing for their night-shift would spend some time in the pack house, getting information from those ending the shift. I knew about all the shift changes, had just not taken the time to observe the people for a while. The men looked worn out, but stern, committed to their work. Most had dark circles under their eyes and I remembered dad telling me about the need to do more shifts due to the lack of trained warriors. And here we were, capable of doing anything and complaining about training. A wave of shame hit me, I had been childish, thinking about spying on Tae, not showing her respect... what had been going on? Had I always been like that?

I was going to be Alpha one day and it was high time I grew up. Guys, forget about the stupid idea of catching the second in command I send into the open mind-link of my team. They were surprised to hear me address her like that, but she deserved it, I knew that now. But.. No but I interrupted, having my dominant voice boom in their minds go to bed early and get as much rest as you can, training is tough on all of us, but we got to step up our game I said and closed the link again, not leaving a trace of my emotional chaos. I stood up with determination, ready to conquer the world with the energy I had. I walked into the gym and started shutting the large folds, not expecting anyone to come Train at this hour. Footsteps with no scent from the door were telling me the second in command had arrived. She took hold of the other end and aided me in closing them, being quick in her movements, sufficient as always.

She had changed, her pants were dark grey this time and her shirt a softer looking fabric, the cover of her face was grey also and her hair seemed slightly wet, indicating she had had a shower. "Sir" I said, catching her attention "I'm sorry" I said and struggled to hold her stern gaze "I was not being fair, treating you like I did" I began and looked at the ground, not able to look her in the eyes any longer "you deserve all the respect you ask for and I was an arrogant child to not see". I bowed down and submitted to her, something I would not even do to my dad if not forced to. I low growl was heard from her as I bowed low, showing me her wolf was appreciating the gesture. "Action counts more than words young Alpha" she said, turned and I saw her boots leave my sight. "And I will show you" I whispered, determined to start a new chapter in my life and grow up.

I had just enough time to clean up and jump into a loose pair of track pants and a t-shirt, before making my way downstairs to eat. I was surprised to see Sandra talking to my father again, she handed him a brown paper bag "she found everything though having to search a little" she said and submitted while handing it over to her Alpha. "Thank you Sandra, tell her thanks also" he said, nodded and left in the direction of the door. "Dad" I called and jogged up to him, he turned, looking at me, waiting for me to speak. "I wanted to apologize, you were right, I did not treat the second in command as I should have" I said, submitting to him too, showing him my true intentions. "I am not the one you need to say this to" he said, stern as always "I have already apologized to the second in command" I told him and looked up, catching him look at me in surprise. He didn't seem to know what to say, before smiling, moving the weight of the bag on one hand and laying the other on my shoulder "I'm proud of you son, you are growing up as it seems" he smiled at me with a kind smile. I couldn't help but feel pride rise up inside of me. "Now go and enjoy your dinner son" he said before leaving.

I sat down with my team after getting myself food from the kitchen. It was only on Sundays that we were having the food on the tables. I looked at Clemens, not knowing what to say "all good man" he said and grinned at me "I mean, the second in command apologized to me and I can tell you, that's a once in a lifetime event" he winked at me and began eating. I couldn't hold back my snicker as I began to eat as well, glad to not be responsible. Though I knew one day I would be and not only for my actions, but for the pack. I had loads to learn. "Where's the night shift for this night?" I wondered, only seeing the warriors from before eating and talking. "Dad said they only need to cover every second shift" Erik said, swallowing the content of his mouth "why is that?" I wondered out loud, Erik just shrugged "Dunno, maybe coz they were all running really low?! Dad was looking awful the last months" he said looking over to where his father was seated.
I nodded, making a mental note to ask my father about this. I got up to get a second serving, walking into the kitchen I saw Robert, one of our elite fighters and leader of one of our teams. He looked up from his plate as I entered, nodding respectfully "Alpha" he addressed me. "Hello Robert" I greeted, starting to pile food on my plate "do you happen to know why the night shifts are moved to every other night only?" I wondered out loud. He looked at me, a weird surprise in his eyes. Nodding he said "of course, the second in command is covering every other night" he said. I looked up in shock "What?" I exclaimed, surprised by my sudden outburst "Did you not know?" he wondered, studying my face carefully, I shook my head.

"The second in command was looking at our warriors and ordered more rest, they were not capable of good protection anymore she said" Roberts eyes grew sad "it was true, I didn't want it to be, but it was" he said, obviously hurt to have such a harsh comment hit his team and others. "We told her there was no way around it, but she demanded more breaks and said she would take care of it" he continued "I'm surprised you're not aware, does she not take part of the days off after covering the nights?" he asked, true shock in his voice "she does not" I mumbled, thinking back to the days, trying to figure out which nights she may have worked due to a loss of energy over the day. "She's a tough one" Robert mumbled while shaking his head in disbelief "I get why she's this rising star in the star warrior troops" and with that he left the kitchen, sitting down with his team, telling them what he just found out.

Did my father know about this?
I decided to not go back to my team, my head was steaming from all the thinking I had done and had to do. I walked out the other door and used the main entrance to leave the house, not wanting to explain myself when leaving through the dining room and the gym. As I walked to one of the logs again to sit down and eat, I saw my father. He was seated on the ground, the bag stood next to him. He was leaning back on his hands while he looked at the person sitting in front of him. I was surprised to see Tae, the fabric had been rolled down from her face and she was chewing. Dad was saying something, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. I immediately crouched down behind the log, trying to hide, somehow sure Tae would not like me seeing what was under that fabric. The sun was just about to set and I could see her perfectly. Her lips were a dark colour, fitting her rather tan skin. I had never realized her dark skin like this before. Her nose was small and almost straight, there was nothing hideous giving me a clue as to why she would be bothering to wear this fabric. She took another bite of whatever she was eating. Dad was laughing about something she had mumbled, way too quiet for me to catch it. She was holding a jar of some liquid in one hand and was dipping some kind of bread into it. After finishing that dad handed her a long green object. A cucumber?

She grinned at him, exposing her perfectly straight teeth to the light as she took it, dipped it into the jar and took a large bite. He laughed again, seeming to enjoy spending time with her like that. She dipped again, offering him some, but he shook his head. Is this where she eats every day? With dad? I looked down at my food, suddenly not hungry anymore but feeling rather stuffed. It was weird, I had been hungry for the last days and just now I was feeling overwhelmingly full. I decided to put it into a container to eat later as soon as I got back. When I looked up again I saw Tae raising to a standing position, finishing the last bite of the whole cucumber. She cleaned her hands on her trousers and rubbed her stomach, saying something. She then lifted the fabric up from her throat to cover her face again while talking. Dad nodded, answering while filling the bag with some rubbish and leftovers. Tae secured the small bags around her legs, that clung to her upper legs tightly, allowing her to run with them. She also added a small pouch to her belt and then straightened. Dad looked worried as he put a hand on her shoulder, mumbling something. She shook her head, taking the hand from her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. How were they this close? I mean yeah, dad found her when she was a Baby and was his God Father and all... but this looked closer than just that. Were they seeing each other? Dad had not shown interest in any woman after mum died, I couldn't believe he would pick someone my age...

Tae turned around and ran into the forest facing the other way, it seemed they did not notice me and I used the time when my dad was still looking at her fading figure to rush back into the house. I couldn't make anything out of the information I just gathered, my head was throbbing, my stomach full and I placed the plate in the fridge as it was, not bothering to use a container. I made my way up the stairs, into my room and let myself fall onto the bed, not giving a second thought about brushing my teeth before drifting off into sleep.

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