Rumulus had pushed his large nose under the tarp and just as I wanted to tell him to get away from it, it hit us. Full force like a truck. I mentally stumbled back and Rumulus swayed a little as he inhaled deeply. It's her he said and Goosebumps ran up and down his spine, little sparks erupting at random points of his body as he inhaled again and again. The smell of something so sweet and alluring had been hiding under the salt water smell, that's why Rumulus had followed it, it has been there, the faintest hint of it and here was the source, this hammock. I found her he said, pride in his voice as his chest was rising with deep breaths, excitement rushing through his veins.

She was here he said, inhaling again, but where is she now? He turned around, scanning the woods, raising his nose, sniffing the air, then sniffing the ground, circling the whole camp set up, but there was no track, no hint of her smell, just the path we came on. Where is she? He asked again, panic arising within him and me what if something happened? What if something happened to her? These woods are dangerous, why was she here, all by herself? So close to me?! Has she smelled me yet? Is she searching for me? Maybe she is at the house? Maybe she followed my scent.

He rambled and then pushed his paws deep into the ground, jumping into a sprint, weaving through the forest like a maniac, not caring for branches cutting into his skin, plants getting caught in his fur. Slow down man I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't have it. He had waited longer than I have, I have to admit that. When I was fourteen and still a child in my fathers' eyes, being only interested in training and boys, he was already looking for her in every girl we met. Now, ten years later, having smelled her for the first time in life, nothing could stop him.
He shot out of the forest and looked around, scaring some men off the nearby training area until they noticed it was Rumulus and not some Rogue. His eyes frantically searched for someone he didn't know, someone he hadn't already smelled and seen. His nose went from the air to the floor and back, his tail twitching with nerves. Why is there nothing? He wondered, his mood hitting rock bottom as he let out a sorrowful howl, still hoping to attract her with it. People were looking at us enough Rumulus, start behaving! I commanded I need to find her he ignored me and continued sniffing all around, rushing from house to house in the village, continuing to scare children off the Streets.

The crazy look in his eyes scared them even though they knew him to be the soon-to-be Alpha. Rumulus I yelled in his head as he almost ran a man over who had not jumped out of the way fast enough. Where is she? He asked and howled again, pure pain and loss in his howl. My dad came rushing to me, mind linking me as he ran what is it Son? Why is Rumulus in such pain? He asked, but before I could answer Rumulus entered in the mind link I found her, I smelled her sweet smell and I have to find her now he send dad the image of the hammock set-up and dad immediately shut the connection we had, his face growing pale as he looked at Rumulus. "Shift back" he said, Rumulus growled at him, but before he could protest my dad said "I command you to shift back NOW" in a voice full of authority.
Rumulus howled and my body began twitching and moving as it did as my Alpha commanded. Dad quickly took a large towel from the hanging rack in a garden close to us and threw it to me to cover up. "What was that about?" I burst out, not being as respectful as Rumulus when it came to treating the Alpha. "Come inside first and get dressed" dad replied and turned, rushing away in an unusual rush. We need to find her Rumulus said in my head. It was very unusual for him to speak up when I was in my human form. I promise we'll find her I assured him We will find our mate.

I walked into my dads' office fully dressed to find it empty What the fuck dad I mind-link him, angry about being left here instead of searching for my Mate. Rumulus was clawing on the inside to look for her, to hold her, to keep her safe What if a stray wolf gets to her? What if a neighbour pack captured her and she needs help? What if .. Stop panicking, she'll be fine I try to tell him as I look out the window and into the forest "Where are you?" I whisper and scan the treeline. I hear dads' footsteps approaching and turn to see him enter with a grim expression on his face. "Language" he says, obviously not pleased with my choice of words while mind-linking.
"Dad, we have more important matters at hand!" I almost yell and rush to him, gripping him by his shoulder and staring into his eyes. An unusual amount of excitement had shifted from Rumulus to me and filled me with high levels of adrenaline. "We found her dad!" I search his eyes for the same excitement. The excitement a father should show when his son finds the one partner for life, the future Luna of his pack. But there was no excitement, only grief as his sad eyes looked deep into mine "What is it dad? Why are you so grim? Jeez! Rejoice with me!" I yelled and shook him a Little.

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