the good doctor

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Mikes POV:

I slit my wrists in the bathroom.

I can't cope with the guilt of shooting my one true love.

Richies POV:

I wake up in a hospital bed. What the fuck? what happened? The last thing I remember is stan...

Stan! Oh my god!

I flashback to the night of the purge. After the ritual that Eddie tricked me into doing (I am starting to think i shouldn't trust him as much), Stan charged at Pennywise.

"What the fuck is going on!" Pennywise screamed as Stan tackled him to the ground.

I turned to Eddie, who was making out with Nickeldumb a few feet away.

"Eddie!" I screamed. "What happened? Do something!!"

But Eddie ignored me. I was filled with rage. How dare he lie to me and trick me about raising Nickeldumb and Stan! How dare he not recognize me as a clown!!

"Penny!" I yelled, as Stan slashed his nails across his face.

Instinct kicked in and I ran at Stan. Something inside me clicked and it was like I was being controlled by someone who was not me.

I grabbed Stan by the back of his shirt and threw him across the graveyard. Shocked, i stared at my hands. What the hell? where did that super strength come from.

"Richie!" Penny yells, scrambling to his feet. "Your clown senses are appearing!"

"What does that mean!" I yelled, panicked.

"It means the transition is almost over. Soon, you'll be a clown forever."

"WHAT!" I screamed. I don't wanna be a clown forever.

All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my side. I looked down shocked and noticed Stan had stabbed me with his mashetty. I screamed at the top of my lungs as he began slashing at me randomly.

"Stop!" Pennywise screamed.

"Tehe" Eddie said to Nickeldumb, completely oblivious to the scene that was taking place.

I screamed in agony as Stan chopped my arm off.

Then everything went black.

And here I am in the hospital.

I begin blinking rapidly. I try to move my head to see if my arm is truly gone but I can't.

"Richie! You're awake!" Pennywise says at my bedside.

"Penny? what the hell? what's going on?" i demand.

"Stan went psycho and cut your arm off!! They brought you here."

"Where is he?" I demand.

Pennywise sighs. "He got away."


"What about my arm!" i cry

"it grew back" penny says.

Eddies POV:

So... i wake up to hear that Stan went Psycho and almost murdered Puff. Which makes...literally no sense. they don't even know each other!!

I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror. "Stan where the fuck are you?"

The shower curtain slides open. He is sitting in the bathtub.

"What." he says.

"What. the. hell!!! Did you do!!!!!!!!!" i demand. "you were supposed to bring yourself back!"

"Nickeldumbs back, too." Stan said. "You shouldn't be complaining."

i growl. "Yeah but he's different. He barely recognizes me. And don't get me started with you!!! Why'd You attack everybody!!"

Stan laughs. "You're a retard."


Mikes POV:

I wake up in a hospital bed. What the fuck!!! I should be dead >:(

I begin to coff. A doctor runs in. "He's up!"

"What the fuck" i begin to sob.

"Sir why did you try to kill yourself?" the doctor demands.

i begin to sob harder. my beloved Ben is dead. He's dead and I'm all alone.

"Mike, it's okay," someone says.

I whip my head to the side to see Tits lying in the hospital bed opposite me. ALIVE!!

"Ben!!!" i yell. "You're alive! Oh my god you're alive i thought you died i thought i killed you oh my god."

Tits frowns. "Yeah, i'm alive. and you're alive. But our relationship? it's dead."

Clown Mouth: Richie x PennywiseWhere stories live. Discover now