Bonnie and Clyde

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Pennywises POV:

I followed Eddie down the street. I was carrying Richie. Eddie was walking in front of me and he was naked.

Mikes POV:

I was lying on the couch with my "friend" Bennyboo, when I heard the door swing open.

I grabbed my gun and ran to the window.

I saw three figurines walking in the darkness. As they got closer, I realized one was Eddie. He was naked. I tried not to stare but I couldn't help myself.

"Mike? What is it?" Ben asked.

I turned around and said, "our time has come."

Pennywises POV:

Eddie ran through the door and I saw mike and Ben.

"Help! Richie was stabbed by Stan!" He yelled.

"What???" Mike asked.

"Stan went rogue. Killed Bill and stabbed Richie. Pennywise killed him. But we have to help Richie." Eddie said.

"Ok." Ben said. He took Richie out of my arms and sat him down in the table.

Immediately he began stitching him up. I sighed in relief.

"Thank god!" I said.

"Why are you happy?" Mike asked.

"Oh,,uh, well, you's because I wanted to be the one to kill him..tehe." I said, covering my tracks.

Eddie gave me a look of approval.

"Get out of my house, demon!" Ben demanded.

I hung my head and walked out. That was the last time I ever saw Richie.


Eddies POV:

Richie woke up and ran into my arms. "Where's Penny?" He asked.

"Oh, he left you for dead! If I didn't come when I did, you'd be...well, you'd be dead!" I said.

Richie began crying. Mike flared a grin at me.

"There, there," I said. "Pennywise won't ever hurt you again."



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