is that a llama

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Pennywise POV:

I squiggle out of the sewer.

I have to find Richie before something terrible happens. What if he hates me? I stifle a sob at the thought.

I run down the street until I reach Richie's house. I snap my fingers and appear in his bedroom. No one is there. I'm about to leave when i notice a letter sitting on his desk. I pick it up and begin to read:

Dear Penny,

If you're reading this it means i'm dead. I love you so much. You are better than anyone I know.

Love, Richie

I screamed and dropped the paper. what the fuck? is richie dead?!

I grab a walkie talkie off the ground.

"Hello!" i yell into it.

ten seconds later i hear "what is it?" from Eddie

"Richie's dead!" I sob.

There is no reply.

Eddies POV:

I stare at the clown in front of me. Puff.

He stares back, but looks panicked. "Eddie help me! Pennywise turned me into a clown!"

I wrap my hands around his neck and sway. "Oh?"

"Eddie," Puff is bawling now. I feel bad.

"Okay. Lie down." i demand.

Puff looks great full. he steps over Nickeldumb's lifeless body and onto the bed, lying on his stomach.

I get into the bed behind him and are about to unzip my pants when the door burts open.

"What the fuck" pennywise yells.

Pennywises POV:

i cannot believe what i am seeing., clown Richie, is about to have sex with eddie?!

Richie stands up and glares at me. "How could you do this to me, Penny? I trusted you! I loved you!"

"You're alive" is all i could say.

He looked baffled. "Am i not supposed to be? is that part of the plan, penny? me dying?"

"No!" i yell.

"Eddie was gonna help turn me back since YOU clearly don't care!" richie explains.

I stare at Eddie, who is still on the bed. "That looked more like-"

"Was there something you needed, Penny?"Eddie demanded.

I was about to ask where Nickeldumb was, before I looked down and saw his dead body on the ground.

I  fell to my knees in despair. "No!" I sobbed.
"Nickel, no! My only brother!"

Richie's POV:

I stare at Pennywise in confusion. Maybe he didn't mean to turn me into a clown. He looks heartbroken.

"I'm going to the library" I say to eddie, before stepping across Nickeldumb and Pennywise and exiting the room.

Tit's POV:

Mike and I sit beside each other at a table in the library. He has his arm around me as he reads over my shoulder.

Suddenly there is a loud bang on the table and i look up confused, before screaming.

In front of us is a clown. A clown i have never seen before.

"I need your help." It says.

Clown Mouth: Richie x PennywiseWhere stories live. Discover now