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Chenle watches Jisung as he stood brushing his teeth, his messy silver hair flopped over his eyes and a large white T-shirt being a little too baggy on him, slipping off his right shoulder. Once he had finished he drops himself onto the bed beside Chenle's, his face buried in the pillows.

"Are you okay?" The elder asks and Jisung nods and he forces himself to sit up a little. "You sure? You don't look very well"

Jisung looks over at the blonde and the tears in his eyes were finally visible. "I-I feel a little homesick"
Within seconds Chenle had ditched his bed and had climbed into Jisung's, pulling the covers over them and hugging him tightly.

"Don't cry. We're safe here. I miss home too but this is our home now" he tried to calm him down as best he could. The fact that Chenle had Renjun made it all a little easier but Jisung was completely on his own and Chenle couldn't even begin to imagine how overwhelming this all must be.

"Sorry. Yeah I know, I don't even know why I'm crying" he laughs and rubs at his eyes "I'm such a child"

"No you're not" Chenle snaps back "you lost your mother, you saw her die." He gently rests a hand on Jisung's shoulder. "Neither of us have exactly had the time to mourn"

It was true. With everything they had gone through, they hadn't given themselves time to grieve the loss of their parents. But now everything was a lot more settled, it seems to be catching up on them.

This was also what made Chenle worry about Renjun. He knows that Renjun puts on a brave face but he also knows how he can completely crumble and break down when his emotions catch up to him.

He tries not to think about it. Renjun was an adult now and Chenle just hoped he knew what he was doing. Right now he had to be there for Jisung.
It's strange since they had literally only known each other for a few days yet trusted each other completely. Other than Renjun, Jisung was all he had. Sure there was Jeno but he didn't feel as close to him.

"What were your parents like?" Jisung asks, obviously trying to shine some light on the situation.
Chenle thinks for a moment, his mind going back to all the most memorable times he had spent with his parents.

"They were good parents and had good intentions, but they were strict and I remember my brother always use to argue with them" he cringes a little when certain moments pop into mind. "But we still loved them a lot"
Jisung smiles and nods "what about yours?"

"I never knew my dad, he left when I was still a baby so it's only ever been me and my mum. But I loved her, she was pretty much my best friend since I struggled to make actual friends in school" he looked a little embarrassed whilst saying this but Chenle would never judge him and Jisung knew this. "If I'm being completely honest you're my first friend, I-I mean if you even want to be friends. You probably think I'm annoying or-"

"Jisung" Chenle interrupts, laughing a little when the younger looks down in embarrassment. "Of course we're friends". He smiles and hugs him a little tighter.

"Thank you" he whispers, his gaze lingering on Chenle for a moment before he quickly looks away. "I-um I think I'm gonna sleep now" he says, shifting out of Chenle's embrace.

The elder took the hint and crawls back into his own bed, his eyes still on Jisung's huddled position. "You sure you're gonna be okay?" He asks again only to earn a slow nod from the other.
Chenle allows himself to get comfortable in his own bed, laying down facing Jisung before turning out the light.
"Goodnight, sleep well" he whispers.

There was a moment of silence and his words hang in the air before Jisung shuffles a little, laying down and wrapping himself in his covers. "Goodnight Chenle".

A/N: okay I need to explain something because people are getting confused. This is an NCT Dream fan fiction! It includes Norenmin, Chensung and Markhyuck. This is written in the description but I guess some people haven't read it.

But basically it will change point of views so you can see each relationship grow. Just thought I'd clear that up since a lot of people seem to think this is a Noren fanfic. Maybe it's because they're on the cover idk. But it's not!

Anyway thanks for reading~ ♡

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