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Renjun didn't sleep must that night. His mind was awake with thoughts of his parents. Had their death been quick? Peaceful? Had their bodies been handles with care or had they just been tossed into the back of a truck with the others.

The brunette shakes his head trying to rid his mind of the thoughts. He didn't need to be thinking about things like that right now. What he should be thinking about is what was he going to do when they got home. Were him and Chenle just going to live as they had before?

He lets out a sigh and turns over in his bed, his eyes falling on his brothers peaceful face. Renjun couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep. This bed didn't feel like his own, the sheets were too scratchy and the covers too heavy making him feel like he was being mauled to death.

"Hyung?" A soft voice says causing him to jump a little. "I can't sleep either...this room smells funny" Chenle whispers making Renjun laugh.

"You need to sleep. I can tell your tired I can see the eye bags even in the dim light" Renjun whispers, reaching out and poking Chenle's face.

"Fine" the younger grumbles, rolling over so his back was to the older. Renjun smiles to himself before closing his eyes, trying his hardest to drift off.

After another hour of tossing and turning,he gives up. He sits up, letting the pristine white sheets fall from his body and quietly got out of bed. The white tiled floor was cold against his bare feet but he ignored it, walking closer to the large window. Being on the eighteenth floor meant that they had a great view of the city. Lights flashing in every direction, the streets below still busy with people even at such early hours. Renjun had to admit, as much as he disliked the city it was very beautiful.

He moves and drops himself on the large couch, bringing his knees up and hugging them. With a sigh he lets his head rest atop his knees as he watches the large advertising screens change and move.
He glances over his shoulder to see if Chenle was still asleep before making himself comfortable on the couch and finally drifting to sleep in the comfort of the cities flashing lights.


"Hyung!" A voice yells causing the brunette to jump and land on the hard floor with a thud. Renjun groans, rubbing his arm as he sits up. He shields his sensitive eyes from the bright sunlight that was pouring through the large window before looking over at his brother.
"What are you doing on the couch?"

Renjun's brows furrow slightly as he recalls what had happened last night.
"I was enjoying the view, I guess I fell asleep" he mutters, pushing himself up from the ground.

"Jeno knocked on the door a few minutes ago, he told us to get dressed" Chenle explains earning a sleepy nod from Renjun before the brunette stumbles off towards the bathroom.

Since they left their luggage in their car they didn't have any spare clothes. Renjun had slept in his boxers and his t-shirt in an attempt to keep his clothes somewhat clean. He was starting to get frustrated that he couldn't wear a fresh set of clothes.

With a sigh he pulls his shirt over his head and pulls his boxers off, folding them neatly and placing them on the closed toilet seat. If he couldn't wear clean clothes he was definitely going to shower.

He hops into the glass cubicle and switched it on, letting the warm water fall and hit his cold skin. For a moment he just stands under the running water, savouring the feeling of it hitting his back before reaching out for the soap dispenser and starting to clean himself.

By the time he was done the room was filled with steam, making it difficult for Renjun to see anything. He feels around for a while before feeling the rough texture of a towel under his fingers. He grabs it, drying himself off before pulling his clothes back on.

He reaches out and wipes away the steam from the large mirror. Renjun grimaces at his reflection, the dark under eye bags, his messy hair, his sickly pale skin. Before he could gag at how awful he looked he turns and leaves the bathroom, leaving the door open in attempt to clear some of the steam.

"Jesus hyung, it looks like the Flying Dutchman lives in there" Chenle says, coughing at the cloud of steam that was emerging from the room.

"Sorry, I had the shower pretty hot" Renjun apologies as he tugs on the same jeans and jacket he had been wearing for the last two days.

Chenle was already dressed and ready to go. Renjun assumed he had been up for a while before he decided to wake him up.
"Come on"

Renjun grabs his backpack, throwing it over his shoulder before shuffling over to the door behind the blonde. Even Chenle's bright and colourful clothes were starting to look a little dull from how dirty they were.

"Ah good you're ready. Come on we're getting breakfast"Jeno's voice says as soon as the door closes.

"Breakfast? I don't have enough money for that" Renjun comments, his mind drifting back to the night before when he had paid for both his and Jeno's rooms.

"Breakfast is on me" Jeno shrugs before strolling off down the hallway. Renjun doubted Jeno had enough money to buy them all a decent breakfast but he wasn't going to argue. He hadn't realised how hungry he was until now. The last thing he had eaten was the lollipop Chenle had given him in the car.

"I want bacon!" Chenle yells, jogging to catch up to the raven haired boy who smiles sweetly at the younger.

"You can have whatever you like"

Renjun swore he had never seen Chenle's face light up so much as it did in that moment. The brunette drags himself along behind the other two boys as they chatted away happily.

"I swear if you steal food I'm walking the rest of the way home" Renjun mutters under his breath but the other two were so caught up in conversation that they didn't hear a word of it.

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