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"I guess you're with me then" Jeno says as he takes the set of keys from Renjun and runs his finger over the engraved number six.
Strangely Renjun didn't mind the fact he would be sharing a cabin with Jeno. Although at first they didn't get along well, Jeno had more or less saved his and his brothers life and for that he was hugely grateful.

"I guess I am" Renjun smiles and Jeno returns it, handing the key back over to the brunette.
They walk back down the dim metallic corridor and towards the exit of the building so they could head to their assigned cabins.

"Hyung" Chenle says and he walks a little faster so he could walk beside Renjun. "I want to share a cabin with you, this place scares me" he says and the elder sighs. They stop walking and he takes Chenle's hand, squeezing it a little.

"I know you do but I'll be in the cabin next to yours. I promise you nothing will happen to you or Jisung" his eyes move to look at the silver haired boy who smiles a little and looks down. "If you need me all you have to do is come to my cabin Okay? Everything is going to be fine" he assures and Chenle only nods, believing his brother completely.

Of course Renjun couldn't be sure that they were safe here but from what Taeyong had told them, he trusted that it was a safe environment and he needed his brother to trust that too. The last thing he wanted was for Chenle to be in constant fear.

He gives Chenle's hand one last squeeze before they start walking again. He notices Jeno's eyes on him but as soon as Renjun catches him he looked away and carried on as of nothing happened.

Once they were outside there was a slight chill in the air and Jeno was quick to show them to the cabins. First they went to cabin seven, just to get Chenle and Jisung settled down and make them feel a little more relaxed about being here.

Jisung slides the key into the door and pushes it open, peaking inside. The cabin was immaculate. Unlike the rusted metal on the outside it was painted a white with two freshly made beds in the centre. To the side there was a toilet but Jeno explains that there was an extra building for showering and laundry.

Renjun stays there for a little while just to make sure Chenle was okay, but after around fifteen minutes of examining the room and picking which bed he wanted the boy seemed fine. Renjun gives him a tight hug and a kiss on the head before waving goodbye and following Jeno towards his own cabin.

Unlike cabin seven this one had a set of bunk beds and one single on its own. Both of the bunks seem occupied so Renjun assumes the single was for him. He drops his backpack down onto the soft mattress and looks over at Jeno. "Who else is in here?" He asks, nodding towards the bunk beds.

"Jaemin" he answers as he climbs the ladder and sits on the top bunk, letting his legs dangle. Renjun freezes a little. Although Renjun had only spoken to Jaemin when they had entered the camp there was something about the boy that He didn't like. The fact that Renjun couldn't decide if he was an Android or not seemed to be the biggest problem.
"Is everything okay?" Jeno asks when he notices Renjun zone out a little.

The brunette quickly shakes the thoughts away and puts a smile on his face. "Y-Yeah, everything's fine" he assures and carries on rummaging through his backpack.

"Well its almost nine so I'm gonna go get a quick shower. Feel free to go to sleep, just turn the light off. I'll tell Jaemin to be quiet when coming back" he smiles, jumping down from the bed and walking over to the door.

"Jeno" Renjun says causing the raven haired boy to stop, his hand on the handle. "Thank you. For everything"

Jeno smiles and only nods before pulling the door open and leaving the cabin and Renjun alone.

The boy sighs and sits down on the bed, kicking his dirty sneakers off and bringing his knees up to his chest. He looks back over to his bag and pulls out his phone. It was completely dead and he knew he should throw it away or give it to Jeno to take away but he just couldn't. There were pictures of him and his parents on that phone that he knew he would never be able to get back. He just couldn't get rid of it.

He glances towards the door before opening up his bag once again and pushing it towards the bottom. It's not like he's using it since it was dead but at least he knew that the memories stored on the device were safe.

It was incredibly quiet and it was the first time Renjun had been completely on his own for days. The silence was nice but also a little unnerving as he had grown use to having someone constantly by his side.

He felt his eyes getting heavier the longer he sat there and it wasn't long before he had dropped his backpack onto the floor and crawled under the warm soft bedsheets. Almost as soon as his head it the pillow he was out. The exhaustion had gotten too much for his body to handle.

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