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The two boys walk hand in hand down the long motorways. They had been walking for hours in complete silence. The only sound to be heard was the cars that sped past them.
Renjun's tears had dried up but left him tired and desperate for sleep. Chenle didn't cry. He didn't say a word, he had been completely silent since Renjun broke down into a puddle of tears.
It was unusual since Chenle usually wasn't afraid to show his emotions. Which was one of the main reasons why Renjun was so concerned about him.

"Are we going home?" The blonde suddenly speaks up causing Renjun to jump slightly. Renjun had never felt so vulnerable in all his life and wished he was sat on the plane on his way to China. That small fear didn't seem as bad anymore.

"I don't know how to get back home" he admits guiltily. They had been walking in one direction for hours yet Renjun had no idea where they were going. They were in the middle of nowhere. It made him miss the days when road signs were a thing. Now cars were built in with sensors that told you the speed limit, directions, locations and of any upcoming hazards.

The sun was already starting to go down, casting a pink and orange glow on the sky. In another hour or so it would be dark, kinda. It never really gets dark anymore. Everywhere is still lit up by bright neon lighting, but the dull light gives you a headache after a while.

"Should we head over there?" Chenle asks, pointing his finger towards a small village of houses, each one hooked and strung together with blue string lights. It definitely looked like people lived there, maybe not nice people but at least if they got into trouble they could scream out for help and someone would at least hear.

Renjun only nods, squeezing Chenle's hand again before they speed off in the direction of the village.
They climb down the grassy bank, helping each other down the steep parts before they finally get to the bottom.

This village was much bigger than they had first thought.

Rows and rows of dull looking huts were spread out before them. It looked like a maze that they would most definitely get lost in. "Um, Hyung?" Chenle mutters in an attempt to get some sort of plan from his brother.

With sigh, Renjun holds onto Chenle's hand as tightly as he could, ignoring the cry of pain coming from the blonde. "Stay close and do not let go of my hand" he says earning a nod from the younger.

Slowly they begin to walk into the village. It was completely deserted, not a single soul in sight. Chenle subconsciously moves closer to Renjun and hugs his arm, hiding behind him slightly.
They could hear sounds coming from every direction. The sound of footsteps, doors slamming, voices, but could see no movement other than the gentle sway in the string lights that the wind provided.

"Hyung it's getting really dark" Chenle whispers after around half an hour of them weaving throughout the village.

Renjun looks up when he feels something land on his cheek. He holds his hand out flat, watching as a droplet of water falls against his skin. "It's starting to rain, come on" he leads his brother down a closed and sheltered ally way that was lit up by multicoloured neon signs.

Renjun feels a nudge in his side and looks towards to blonde who was pointing in front of them. His eyes follow the youngers finger before landing upon a car.

It was in pristine condition, tinted windows, polished to a shine. What Renjun couldn't understand was why someone would just leave such an expensive car in the middle of a place like this.

Renjun takes a few steps closer and reaches out for the handle. To his surprise it opens.
He thinks for a moment, glancing around before letting go of Chenle's hand and shrugging his backpack off.

"What are you doing?! Are you crazy?" Chenle whisper yells, watching as the brunette climbs into the car.

"Come on, we'll stay in here for tonight" he holds his hand back out for Chenle to take but the younger steps back, his arms crossed over his chest.

"We'll get in trouble"

Renjun rolls his eyes "no we won't, we'll be out of here before the owner comes back I promise".
He needed Chenle to get in, they had no where else to go and Renjun wasn't keen on the idea of sleeping on the ground. He was sure they would be doing plenty of that soon though.

"But hyung-"

"I'll clean up your hand" Renjun cuts him off.

"W-what?" Chenle says as he glances down at his grazed and bloody hands. Most of the blood had dried but there was no doubt that if the cuts didn't get cleaned they would get infected.

"I have a better idea, let's go find a med centre and they can heal my hands completely" he tries to reason but the elder wasn't convinced.

Suddenly a gust of wind rips through the air, making whistling noises at it moves in between the huts. Chenle reaches up and moves his curly blonde hair from his face before wrapping his arms around himself.

"Come on Lele, we'll be fine I promise" Renjun begs, pushing the car door further, desperate for him to get in. The rain was getting heavier and he really didn't need his brother catching a cold.

With a groan, Chenle moves forward and reluctantly climbs into the seat beside Renjun and carefully closes the door, trying his best to make as little sound as possible.
"Pass your hands"
Chenle does as he's told, holding his hands out in front of him and watching as Renjun rummages around in his backpack. He finally finds some wipes and carefully dabs them onto his brothers cut flesh causing him to wince. Renjun mutters a small apology before carrying on.

"Hyung?" Chenle speaks up, his eyes not moving from his hands as he watches Renjun wipe away the dirt and dry blood before taking out a roll of bandage.
Renjun hums in response, staying focused on the task at hand.
"I'm scared"

Renjun freezes, swallowing the lump in his throat and willing back his tears. He quickly finishes dressing the wounds before looking back up at the blonde.
"So am I" he admits, his gaze moving to his left.
"Let's get some sleep"

Chenle was too tired to argue as they both climbed into the back, laying themselves down on the seats. Renjun wraps his arms around his brother protectively before placing a kiss against his soft blonde curls. "Goodnight Lele"

"Goodnight Hyung"

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