i love you .

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Even tho Joe saw Ben smiling and laughing with Lauren he didn't know that when he looked away Ben would start looking at him. After that incident 2 days ago Joe noticed that Ben was being different even tho they didn't talk that much anymore. Everything was the same except for Joe not having his other side with him 24/7. When Joe was at home with Rami he didn't know what else to do other than play games or scrolling through instagram. He talked with Rami about deleting Ben's number and Rami agreed but Joe still kept it in his contacts. ' Why? ' Rami asked. ' I don't know, maybe one day he decides to call. ' Joe answered looking at his phone.

At school everything was different because besides that Joe and Ben didn't talk anymore he did not expect for Lucy and Gwil to cut off with him too. ' Everything for you. ' Lucy said smiling to Joe when he asked why. Joe kinda felt bad for Ben but at the same time he just wanted everything to be normal again.

Usually when Joe felt down or didn't want to interact with anyone he would go to the roof, not to be suicidal but just to ' not think. ' that's he would call it. ' He liked being alone but being up high and alone with his thoughts was like a dream for him. It calmed him down so much he never could explain to anyone because they wouldn't understand except, Ben. 

The weather wasn't that good today and everyone at school was nagging about it but Joe kinda loved it. Even tho his classes for today were boring and Gwil wasn't at school he was still, happy? He sure saw Ben stare every now and then but tried to ignore that and just carry on doing what he was doing. Whenever he saw Lauren being desperate around Ben he couldn't say it made his stomach curl up. He knew Ben didn't do it on purpose but still his heart broke more and more seeing Lauren with Ben. After school, finally when the bell rang and almost everyone ran towards the door Joe decided to stay and laid his head down on the table. " Joe? Are you okay? " His teacher asked looking at him with a confused look.

 " Yeah, just tired. " Joe said looking up at the man infront of him. " Well isn't it better to go home then? " The said man asked already packing his own stuff. " I guess so. " Joe shrugged standing up and grabbing his backpack while walking towards the door but stopping. " Can I ask you something? " He turned around at his teacher. " Ofcourse. " The man answered looking at Joe. " How do you know when you are inlove? " Joe deadpanned asked making the teacher widen his eyes. " Oh god, well ehm. It's when you think about the person so much it becomes a daily hobby. It's when you look at them your heart starts beating faster. It's when, " He trailed off. " You deep down know that you have a different emotion around that person than you have with someone else but you are too scared to admit it. " The man finished looking at Joe like he just told him to stop being stubborn and dumb and realize that these things are exactly what he was feeling the whole time.  " Thank you sir. " Joe was still confused because this was something different. His heart said: ' Finally you idiot. ' 

If this wasn't the time to visit the roof and let his thoughts drown him then he didn't know. He thought while walking up the staircases. He expected anything but not this. Why was Ben here again? He asked himself looking at the boy standing there but not short after he turned around and was kind of surprised to see Joe. " Hey. " Joe greeted quietly but Ben could clearly hear it. " Hey. " Ben greeted back, his voice low like Joe remembered. " Where is your boyfriend? " Ben asked looking infront of him. " Where is your girlfriend? " Joe asked him making Ben scoff. " Shouldn't you be fucking him or something? " Ben asked seeing Joe's head snap towards him. " No, shut the fuck up. " Why was Ben being so fucking annoying and why was his heart beating so damn fast. " So you admit that you are dating him? " Ben asked looking at Joe. " So what if we are? Why do you care? Aren't you supposed to be with Lauren right now? " Joe asked starting to get angry. " Do you fucking know how she feels? She told me that you didn't like her. " Ben's voice started going louder. He was being childish Joe thought. " So what if I don't? That's my own fucking choice isn't it?! " Joe yelled being done with all of this, he regretted coming here. " When do you grow up and start noticing people's feelings?! " Ben asked being furious. " When you stop and notice mine! " Joe yelled not immediately progressing what he just said. It was quiet after that but Joe couldn't care less his heart was in his throat and he was glad he let it out. 

" What? " Ben asked being confused and shocked. Joe looked down seeing his vision blurry because of the tears welling up. " I, " Joe wished he could turn back time. But he couldn't so here goes nothing. 

" I love you. "

OOFFFKROFKS ok so woah wtf im ??? joe's ignorant ass finally confessed and realized 🤪 thanks teacher 😔💖 also ben is fucjing stupid but im gonna fix that 💁🏻‍♀️

𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 - J.mz & B.hdOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz