I wanted to scream at Will, beg him to come back. He was going to get hurt, it would be my fault. As strong as Will is, he can’t take on five men.

I tried to get out of Dani and Shane’s grasp to run to Will but they wouldn’t let go.

“Let go, he’s going to get hurt.” I told them desperately.

A bunch of school officials were coming out, walking towards them. It was a bit of relief to see Will wasn’t alone but it still terrified me.

“No, he won’t. we need to go now. Don’t make a scene.” Dani told me before she started pulling me along with her.

I didn’t take my eyes off of them until I was inside. I wanted to run back out and grab Will but I couldn’t.

Dani and I changed back into our regular clothes and went to Will’s office.

I sat on the ground in a corner and cried. I needed Will to be okay. I wouldn’t let him die for me,

Dani sat with me, an arm around my shoulders.

We sat there until the bell rung. I heard Shane come into the classroom.

“Dani?” he called her from outside of the office.

She smiled slightly at me, got up and went out to him. I guessed they left because it was silent. It scared me.

I started sobbing again, had something gone wrong? Was Will okay?

I made myself stand up, no one was going to give me answers so I needed to go find out for myself.

Just then, Will walked into his office and shut the door behind him. I rushed to him, wrapping my arms around him.

“Shh, it’s okay, love.” He murmured into my ear, rubbing my back, trying to soothe me.

I pulled away and looked him over. There was nothing I could see in terms of damage. His clothes looked untouched.

“Are you okay? Did he touch you?” I asked, checking his arms.

“I’m fine, he didn’t touch me at all.” He grabbed my hands.

“Thank god.” I felt a surge of relief. “What happened?”

“I got someone to go tell the front office when I noticed that they were drunk and trespassing. Then he pulled out a knife so I got Shane to take the class inside.” He told me. “The principle and vice principle came out and we asked them to leave. Your dad flashed a knife again so we called the police. The others left at the mention of the police, your dad didn’t. He threatened an officer and was taken in a cop car.”

Even knowing that he had been taken didn’t stop me from trembling, I knew he’d find a way to get out of trouble. Then he’d come to the house and do whatever he wanted.

“Let’s go home.” He looked at me with concern, noticing my fear.

I walked in front of him as we left the building. The school was empty. I was on guard when we walked out.

Shane and Dani were outside waiting for us. I realized Shane was driving Dani and I in case someone saw us.

They were silent as he drove to Dani’s house, she asked me to text her later and I promised I would. Shane took me to the house.

Will was standing in the driveway, talking to Zoey and Bethany.

“Who’s getting the girls?” i asked when I got out of the car.

“Xavier and David.” Bethany answered.

Everyone was watching me with worried expressions making me self conscious.

Behind Closed Doors (studentxteacher) COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora