without me.

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As soon as we arrived in the school, we looked for the room were all the security cameras monitors are there.

"Hi sir, can we please use the monitor for the cctv footage in the practice room floor?" I politely asked the man handling it,

"For what?" He asked,

"We're just tracing someone, my friend was in hospital right now and we don't even know what happened to her"

"Something might happened to her back there, so I need to see where she go" i added, the man nodded at me and lets us watch the footage.

"What time is it, when you're friend went gone?" The man said,

"Hmm, about 4:00 pm" I said, the man skipped the time and selected the time range of 4:00 onwards.

Righ there, after a minute, Wendy goes outside the practice room and walked to the other way.

"Where will she go? Can you please find to where will she be heading?" Mark suddenly asked,

"Hmm, I think she'll go to the rooftop." The man said,

"Do you have a cctv attached there too?" I asked, the man nodded luckily.

"Here.." the man again skipped the time to the time range of 4:00 pm. And then we saw Wendy standing peacefully in the rooftop.

"Wait, she's just standing there, what really happened —- " I cut Mark when I saw someone walking slowly to Wendy.

"Shh, who is that?" I said, while still watching the footage.

We saw how wendy got surprised by the sudden appearance of the guy, we can't see it since his back was facing the camera. We saw how Wendy was stepping backward until she was cornered.

"What the hell?" Mark cursed, I look closely to the guy and then,

"Fuck." I whispers, I looked at Mark and we both said,

"Yoongi?!" we both said,

"What is he doing there?!" Mark said with the hint of a pissed tone.

"Wait, why did wendy suddenly cries?" I asked myself, I can see how the body of Wendy is shaking so bad, is she afraid? Is something happening? What is the purpose of Yoongi there?

"Wait isn't that Taehyung?" Mark suddenly stops the footage when we saw Taehyung suddenly appeared in the door from the rooftop.

"Yes, that's him" I said while gritting my teeth. Something happened.

After Taehyung arrived, Yoongi suddenly step away from Wendy, and the trembling wendy started to be calm. What the hell. Yoongi and Taehyung started talking and with that, Wendy did not hesitate to run, and then that is the reason why Wendy cry to me.

"Fuck those boys" I said, and stormed out of the room as I roam my eyes to see the two guys.

"Hey seul! Where are you going??" Mark shouted, I hurriedly walk away and started to find them, and there I see him.

"Taehyung!" I shouted, luckily we're the only one here in the locker room.

"Hey" Taehyung said cooly, I kicked his knees in frustration.

"F-fuck! What the hell is your problem?!" Taehyung hissed while enduring the pain.

"What the hell! What did you do to Wendy?!" I shouted.

"She was brought to the hospital after she met the two of you! What did you do?!?" I said while I held his collar.

"What the fuck are you saying? And what? What happened to her?" Taehyung asked,

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