Benton looked Clarik in the face..."I hope not. That's magic beyond Miss Trinity. And it's Black Cursed magic.   Briar dabbled in that, it made her crazy and rotten. It made her teeth fall out...She showed me.    Oooo!   Very unsightly that..."     Benton suddenly crinkled up his face, shuddered.

Clark looked Benton face on.

"We might have to insist.    Neither one of them are going to like this.      And, I know Trinity will simply just say no!.."     Clark folded her arms.     Benton gave a her a "We-Are-Doing-it!" look.

"Our servants, our guest must see us, in charge.   And unchallengeable.     It is an absolute must!.."      Benton stood to his full height, head high.

~ £€¥ ~

"Trinity. He can't stay awake for the rest of his life. And, he needs a routine...Or something! Look at him. He's dead on his feet (She gave me a poke. I was giggling at her. Ethan's already dead!) Trinity! You know what I mean! Make some rules, give boundaries. If he get's out of hand, crosses a line....Snap him back! I did it for my girls...." Stella had her hands on her hips.

(She was going to make a fine Keeper. I could see it now)

Bell was standing beside her on the left, EB was to the right. The triple-trouble (But, a force for good)

I knew deep down my good friend was right. I turned to Ethan..."Ethan. We need to head down to breakfast, put the book down. Yes! It will be still be here when we return. No one will touch it. I promise!.." I held a hand out, Ethan stood. Looked at my out stretched hand, walked to my side....Looked down at me.

We all trooped into the kitchen, Ethan sat down at the head of the table. Stella went into breakfast-mode. Bell sped to stand beside Stella (Trying to anticipation her every need) EB sat with Ethan, stared at him a minute.

"She's hurt you. I can see it..." EB reached a small hand to him, just touched his fingers.

"Let Trin in. I did with Stella. She looks after me, keeps the dark out. She loves me, Ethan..." EB leaned closer. "Let Trin in, let her inside...Please, Ethan. I don't remember the bitch. I know, once we were something to each other....Ethan, she got me in so much trouble. That ache is still within me....I felt it. Trust me....Okay?..."

EB patted his hand, leaned back. Stella came and sat beside her...EB leaned close to her. Stella kissed her cheek. Bell stayed with me, everything I made/did....Bell fixed it/re-made it. She kept smiling at me! I have to admit, the tea I'd made - looked an odd colour (It wasn't it's standard tea-brown, but tea-back - Very burnt!)

Ethan slumped in his chair, he watched me.    He wanted so bad to just say "help" to me, to let me put my arms around him, hold him close.    But, the sparks, the blackness in his head wouldn't allow it.     It kept reminding him - Scarlett hadn't given her permission.  

I placed all the plates and cups on the table, Bell moved them into a table setting......Stood back.   I offered her a chair (She should sit with us)      Her and Geer were drawn to us, their duties weren't the only things that kept them around.      Geer enjoyed chatting to Ethan (The company made him feel sane)     Bell was just delighted with everything we did. I could also see, even if EB wasn't Exie - She wanted to look after EB as she would've done for Exie.

(She was also a friendly source to EB. Kept her grounded and human)

Both Stella and I had noted, her and Ethan shared the same issues of being not "Humanly-Normal".        They were both dead, had souls in displaced positions.   To never became figures of our nightmares....Was a constant struggle!

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