Chapter 8:

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Naruto's POV:

It's too bright but I can't close my eyes, instead, I wait for them to adjust. My whole body feels weak and quite sore. I try to lift my hand but it doesn't move. The only thing that will work is my eyes and so I use what I can. I'm on a bed with the same clothes I had on at the meeting. I'm not in the hospital, so that's good. There are no windows in this room, but I do see a candle with melted wax that's layered on the dest to my right. To my left there's a chair with Kakashi on it; this is not my house or the hospital I know, could it be his? I can't see his face as his head is in his hands. When I try to speak nothing comes, but excruciating pain. What happened to me I wonder.

Kakashi's POV:

While holding my head in my hands, I heard the sheets move slightly, as well as Naruto's breathing had picked up. When I glanced up, his eyes were wide and looking everywhere until they landed on me.

"Naruto? Are you awake? It's Kakashi here, your all right." I spoke softly and moved closer to the boy.

I had no idea what to do. I was in shock a bit since it's been so long, I was starting to wonder if he was going to wake up again. There was no response of words, but I looked deep into his eyes and decided water might be a good start.

I noticed how Naruto hadn't moved and became quite worried. Before the water even touches the child, I had to help him sit up and hold him with my right arm, my left was holding the water and slowly pouring some more all over his chest rather than in his mouth, but he was getting some.

One of my worries were relieved as Naruto had awakened, but a new one arose when I began to think about how we would move on after what happened and everything outside. Right now though I need to focus on helping him recover. Speaking is crucial to talk about what happened, and what will happen next.

Naruto's POV:

The water Kakashi poured mainly over me, but the little that got in was quite refreshing and cool. It seems my body didn't understand how to function like it used to, I wonder how long I was out for. It seems like I became a burden and took a toll on Kakashi's health, he doesn't deserve this.

I tried to speak again, but the result was an extreme pain in my throat again. I hope I ain't like this forever, but that would be funny. To think that the loud mouth of the village lost his voice. It would prove to be difficult though as well if I was needed to respond to someone, how? I can't let them know I can write, maybe I can just leave the village. I know no one will miss me, and many villagers may already think I'm dead depending on how long I've been out. It'd be a perfect set up to leave here once and for all. Sakura would be hailed a hero for the death of the demon likely, but it would make them all happy. This sounds like a good plan to me; leave the village and go where? Do I really want to leave, only to do what? Especially if I can't communicate. I could always fulfill my real dream, that would be wonderful.

I physically can't do anything at the moment, so I leave my thoughts and look at Kakashi with questioning eyes.

In response to my look, I receive, "Hey, sorry about getting you all wet. I believe we both know that you are not going anywhere anytime soon. There is a lot we need to talk about, but it won't work well if I'm the only one talking. I should let you rest, but first, do you want any more water or some soup?"

I already know I can't speak and that my body is too weak to move, but my eyes work. I moved my eyes up and down slowly to try to communicate that I was saying yes. I was so thirsty, and the food was so needed. I Kakashi understood because after he gently laid me back down, he took the glass when he got up and left the room. When he came back, he held a tray that supported the same glass with some more water, and a bowl of soup that had steam coming off of it. I wanted to thank him, and apologize for being such a burden to him, but all I could manage was a small, sad smile.

"It's alright Naruto," Kakashi said, understanding of my lack of words.

When I looked at his face, I sensed no danger and spoke with my eyes again stating yes. With this, he helped me sit up against the head railing, likely to help me eat a little safer without dumping most of it on me. The first few spoonfuls were quite hot when they landed on my stomach, and to lower regions, until we got into a rhythm.

The Choice Between Life Or Death *Discontinued*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن