Chapter 14

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A soft knock against the bathroom door reminded me that we needed to leave this place. Two dead bodies didn't exactly scream, 'You're safe to stay!'.

"You about ready, Adeline?" Isaac's melodic voice chimed from behind the thick door.

I sighed, slinging it open.

His hand stopped mid knock.

"I guess. I'm assuming we have to leave?" I muttered, a slight pout puckering my lips. "We've barely stopped since this whole thing started." I gently rubbed my neck, wincing at the twinge of pain. "It's just one bad thing after the next."

I pulled the sweater I had nabbed from Grayson's suitcase closer to my frame, allowing the soft material to wrap around me like a hug.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me to him and releasing a breath. "I know, kiddo. It'll all be over soon, though, I promise. Once this whole thing is over, it'll be back to normal gang life for all of us."

I laughed humorlessly. "I don't even know what that's like either, Isaac. I haven't actually been with you all that long."

His beautiful blue eyes appeared to just now realize this. "I totally forgot about that. I feel like we've known you forever."

His arms constricted around me in an affable hug, providing the actual comfort that Grayson's sweater couldn't. "Listen, I know this whole thing started out by us kidnapping you, but in a weird way, it kind of feels like you were meant for this."

A comfortable smile played at the corners of my mouth. "I know exactly what you mean. I've struggled with the idea of whether or not I should leave, if given the opportunity. I'm smart enough to realize that to a lot of people, if I don't leave, it'll look like Stockholm Syndrome. I know that in essence, that's exactly what this is, but I honestly don't care what other people think. You're right. I do feel like I belong with you guys. I think that's why I never really tried to escape."

He finally pulled away, holding me out at arm's length. "It seems like a lifetime ago that you didn't trust me. You were afraid to even let me touch you."

"Now I trust you with my life," I whispered.

Quickly shaking off the heavy mood, I gave his shoulder a push. "Come on, you dork. We have to get going. I'm sure Grayson is practically pacing."

With a genuine smile, he released a hearty chuckle. "I don't doubt it."

Arm planted firmly around my shoulders, we made our way back into the bedroom.

Everything looked exactly like it should: the bed made, the blood cleaned up, and no sign of any bodies. It was eerily clean.

I couldn't help but flinch as memories of Adrian over top of me flashed before me.

As if he could read my mind, Grayson spoke. "I, uh... I packed your things for you. We need to leave. It isn't safe for us here anymore. Saint Petersburg is about a five-hour drive away. I already briefed the others; they're waiting downstairs with the cars. We're good to go when you are, Adeline." His eyes scanned mine for signs of unease.

Shivers raced through my mind as I took one final glance around the room. "Get me out of here," I practically begged. I hope I never have to see this place again.

Grayson nodded, scooping up my bags and motioning me out the door.

Once in the elevator, he inched closer to me.

"You'll be riding with me, if that's alright," he muttered. He almost appeared shy. Then again, I did hear him basically admit to having feelings for me last night, so it's not that far of a stretch.

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