Chapter 4

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The flames danced in front of my eyes as I sat huddled around the crimson brick fireplace. The vibrant orange tendrils flickered in front of my vision, as if dancing a dangerous tango.

I felt slightly numb to everything that had happened at this point. Not even a week and a half ago, I was preparing to move to London to start a new life for myself. I wanted to explore the world before I settled down somewhere, and London was my first stop.

Never in my wildest dreams had I thought that that new life would include murder.

I slowly reached my hands forward, captivated by the brilliant warmth the flames provided to my frozen body.

My heart ached in my chest as I realized that something had to change within me if I were to survive here. I had to become someone else, and learn how to compartmentalize my emotions. Falling apart every time something bad happens is no longer an option, because, well, let's face it, bad things happen around here every moment of every day.

The thought had occurred to me before, but for some reason, this time felt different. Seeing Anna's body in the woods hit a little too close to home for my liking.

What if that had been my mother? It wouldn't be that far of a stretch, considering they already knew my name. They couldn't get to my father though, but that's a story for another time.

The point is, they chose Anna for a reason: she was someone we knew, someone we interacted with. With that logic, was anyone safe? Was her death my fault?

A soft weight across my shoulders brought me out of my thoughts.

I jumped slightly, looking up to see Isaac with a somber smile. His hand was extended, offering me the cup of hot chocolate Grayson had suggested.

"You don't have to treat me like I'm going to break anymore," I chided him gingerly.

His lips twitched into an innocent grin. "Just twenty minutes ago, you were a wreck. Do you really expect me to believe that you suddenly had a change of heart?"

I looked at him, my expression deadpanned. "I'm serious, Isaac. It's different this time. Seeing Anna..." I trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

After a few moments, I sighed heavily. "I'm all in, now. I can't be that scared little girl anymore who cries at the sight of a dead body. It still – and always will – breaks my heart, but I have to be able to put it behind me and move forward."

He nodded thoughtfully. "I can see where you're coming from. Everyone feels like that at some point. Grayson chose to let you live for a reason, though, Adeline. I think he finds you strong enough to handle all of this. Now, you just have to believe it."

We were silent after that, the two of us simply staring into the flames, each comfortably lost in our complicated minds.

The hot chocolate sat between my hands, but I chose to ignore the pain of gripping the piping hot cup.

Instead, I allowed it to wash over me. I needed to be able to feel the pain. Pain makes you human, and if I'm going to give myself over to them, I need at least one part of me to stay human.

"I need to take my mind off of Anna, and everything else that's happened," I broke the stillness, sitting up abruptly.

Isaac looked at me carefully for a moment. "We have a shooting range downstairs?"

A grin blossomed across my face. "Can you teach me how to shoot?"

He raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "You don't know how to shoot a gun?"

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