Chapter 13

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I woke up around seven the next morning to the sun filtering in through some antique looking curtains, surprised to see the bed beside of me was empty.

"Grayson?" I called throughout our tiny room.

I didn't hear anything running in the bathroom, and I didn't hear a response; before too much worry could spread in my chest, I noticed a letter on the bedside table.

I immediately recognized Grayson's scrawl.


I had to take care of a few things with Isaac. If you need us, we're in the lobby. I didn't want to wake you; you looked so peaceful... I'll be back later. In the meantime, don't do anything stupid.

- Grayson"

I smiled shyly to myself at his comment of me in my sleep. Even in a letter, this man had the ability to make my insides tingle.

Deciding I needed a shower, I grabbed everything I needed and skipped to the bathroom, humming quietly to myself. The actual shower itself was alright - nothing too impressive. Then again, what other Russian hotel bathroom did I have to compare it to, the Ritz Carlton? That was a five-star place, whereas this seemed like your average American hotel.

Nonetheless, it still did wonders to relax my tense muscles.

Now clean and dressed, with freshly brushed teeth, I gave myself a once over.

Looks good, I shrugged to myself. I didn't really know what was on the agenda today. I know we were probably about half way to Saint Petersburg, so the idea was likely.

I hesitated to exit as I heard the door to get in the room click open. I assumed it was Grayson; with a deep breath, I pushed the door open to greet him.

"I didn't think you'd be back so early," I began with a grin, but was silenced as a hand wrapped itself around my mouth and forced me against them, my back to their front.

I was acutely aware that the man holding me was not Grayson, and the man sneering in front of me definitely was not Isaac.

I attempted to scream against the man's hand, but he just chuckled. "No one can hear you, sweetheart." He used his other hand to stroke my hair.

The feeling of repulsion made me gag.

I struggled futilely against him; his iron grip barely budged against my furious kicks and thrashing body.

"You must be Adeline," man number two smirked, walking effortlessly closer to me until he was directly in front of me. "James has told us so much about you."

He pulled a pocket knife from his pocket, flipping it open. He used it to push a piece of my wild hair back, still damp from my shower. I swallowed back the bile that rose in my throat.

His eyes searched mine, one eyebrow raised. "If we let go of your mouth, you're going to be a good girl and not scream, right?" he questioned, wagging the knife dangerously close to my nose.

I frantically nodded; I would do anything to free myself, even if it meant pretending to do what these men wanted.

Slowly, the man holding me released my mouth. "Good," man number two grinned victoriously. "I'm Adrian. This here is my friend Marcus," he motioned behind me. "We're part of the Black Diamonds, as is James. But you probably figured that out by now, haven't you?" he smirked, placing the knife to my cheek.

"Now, we can do this the hard way, or you can come with us without a struggle." The tip of his knife lightly poked my cheek, not enough to break the skin, but enough to get his point across.

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