Chapter 6

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It's been a few days since my arrival here. Everything has been eerily quiet. Grayson hasn't spoken to me since he opened up to me about his family; I could tell he regretted speaking to me about it.

My heart ached slightly at this, but I couldn't let it affect me.

I shouldn't care what he thinks about me, I reminded myself.

I've been distracting myself with training; Isaac and Damien have done a good job at keeping my mind off of everything that's happening around me. I've kind of thrown myself into it.

I've almost completely healed from my first run in with Damien. The gang's doctor told me I'll probably have a scar on my arm, though, but I'm not that upset about it; at least I'll have a wicked cool story to tell my kids one day.

I'm surprisingly a good shot when it comes to guns. I guess I can attribute that to the years I played video games as a teen.

Damien tried to teach me to throw knives, but I'm not that great at it. I can use the knife itself pretty well, however, but I think I'll stick to guns. Shooting a gun seems more human to me than stabbing someone. At least the gun would be quick.

I'm currently sitting in the kitchen with Lucas, Damien, and Grayson. Lucas had made scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast after he showed me some basic tech things, like how to work miniature microphones and stuff.

The atmosphere was surprisingly comfortable between us.

"Lucas, this looks really good. Thank you," I smiled warmly towards him.

He grinned broadly. "Thanks. If I learned anything from bouncing around houses as a kid, it's how to cook. I had to, if I wanted to survive. Lord knows they didn't cook for me."

Grayson remained stoic through all of this, silently brooding at the opposite end of the table from me. He refused to make eye contact, much to my disappointment.

Damien was very intently scarfing down his food, eating like he hadn't seen food in days. Then again, I guess someone of his size would need to eat a lot in order to keep himself healthy.

We were all quiet for a moment after Lucas's comment, but that silence didn't last long.

"Hey guys, I think you should see this," Isaac's voice drifted into the room as he entered. "I found this on the doorstep."

In his hands, he held a large manila envelope. On the front, in fancy scrawl, was Grayson's name, with 'BD' below it.

Black Diamonds, my subconscious whispered.

Grayson cleared his throat, wiped his face, pushed his chair back, and stalked over to Isaac. "How long ago?"

"Just now."

Grayson nodded, taking the envelope from his hands and returning to the table. "And no one saw anything?"

Isaac shook his head. "Nothing. I don't understand how they keep slipping through undetected."

Grayson frowned when his eyes met the ominous 'BD' stamp, before hesitantly opening the envelope.

His jaw immediately tensed as he dumped its contents onto the table angrily.

A startled gasp tumbled from my lips as photos of the five of us met my sight.

There was one of Isaac and I at the mall a while ago, one of Lucas that looked as though he was in his room, and one of Damien outside working out. There was also one of Isaac and Grayson in conversation outside the compound, walking about.

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