Chapter 10

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I awoke early the next morning, the anxiety of the day too much for my innocent mind to comprehend. My body, thankfully, wasn't sore from yesterday's training.

Grayson was still sound asleep when I arose, thankfully. I couldn't bare his comments about how I needed to 'push the fear back' right now. All I wanted was a brief moment of peace — the calm before the storm.

We weren't entangled this morning. As I looked over at him, I noticed why. He had, at some point, made a wall out of pillows. Ouch. Even after our moment last night, he still was intent on pushing me away.

Robotically, I made myself a cup of tea and sat outside on our meager balcony.

The sun was just beginning to rise, throwing the grey world into an array of colors. The vibrant oranges and pinks did much to sooth my pounding heart.

The honey mixed tea kept my hands comfortably warm.

A harsh breeze ripped by, causing me to tighten my sweater around my frail body. I had gained some muscle since training with the others, but I still feel weak when I think of what is to come.

I watched as the city of Moscow slowly woke up, lights coming on in houses one after the other as families started their days.

I wonder if they'll fear for their lives today, like me? Will they feel like they're losing a battle they don't know how to fight? I wonder if they feel something for someone that seems impossible to have? I wonder if they will be forced to question everything they thought they knew?

My moment of conciliation was interrupted by the balcony door whispering open.

Inclining my head, I was surprised to see Damien.

"Do you mind if I join you?" he queried, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

I shrugged my shoulders, looking back to the sky. The sun was now a good way above the horizon; the colors, however, were still vibrantly displayed. It was a true work of art. "Go for it."

"Why are you up so early?" he yawned, moving a chair beside of me and plopping into it.

Longingly, I noticed the blanket he held in his calloused hands.

He smiled benevolently before carefully draping it over my shoulders, hawk-like eyes picking up on my desire.

"Thanks," I mumbled, pulling the soft material closer to my body against the frosty morning air. "I couldn't sleep."

"Scared?" he inquired, quirking up an immaculate eyebrow.

"More like nervous. This feels like the beginning of something we might not be able to come back from. I just... don't want anyone to get hurt." My voice was luckily solid in comparison to the shakiness I felt inside.

Damien sighed arduously. "I won't let anything happen to you out there today, Adeline."

Meeting his lingering gaze, I could tell he meant what he said. His fierce determination thawed the remaining anxiety inside of me. "But who's going to protect you?"

It's weird how protective I feel of men that were all ready to kill me not too long ago.

He grinned, reaching behind his back and pulling out a pistol. "Luckily," he cocked the deadly weapon, "I can take care of myself." Seeing my reluctance, he frowned. "I've been doing this for a long time, dollface. I promise you I'll be safe."

Seeming to realize something, he slid the safety onto the gun before handing it to me, butt first. His eyes were dark with seriousness.

"For you," he muttered. "I figure if you're going to risk your life, you ought to have some protection. A single knife won't do it out there, not with who we're facing. I know you trained with Isaac, so I trust you enough to not shoot yourself. Or, well, us."

Just My LuckOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora