Come to the Dark Side, we have Cookies

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They arrived in front of a plain brick office building. At least, that was what it looked like. Halt could see that, in reality, it was a huge palace. Victorian architecture, elegant columns, bright paint, magical fountains and statues.

He realized that he was still holding Crowley's hand and let go.

"Well, we'd better go in." Crowley said lightly. Halt could see tension outlined in every muscle of Crowley's body.

"Nervous?" he asked. Crowley raised a brow. "That obvious?" the redhead questioned.

Halt rolled his eyes. "Must be getting lax." he joked. Crowley snorted. 

"Don't forget, I took on three. You, on the other hand..." His partner smirked and walked up the steps, Halt following.

Silently, he cursed himself for somehow letting Crowley get the last word.

They arrived in an elaborately decorated office, bordering on ostentatious. Halt and Crowley sat down on the plush couch, Crowley running his fingers over the soft fabric.

"Stop doing that." Halt whispered. Crowley frowned. 

"Why not?" he asked softly.

Halt rolled his eyes. "It's distracting. And makes you seem ADHD and don't you dare snark back at me, Crowley-freaking-Meratyn!"

Crowley raised a brow and his hazel eyes clouded over slightly. Halt knew that Crowley felt slightly wounded by his words, but Halt was frustrated with the whole situation.

Turning to look at the secretary, Halt stood up and walked over.

"Mr. Morgarath requested our presence." he said calmly, putting on his 'Interrogate-the-criminal' face.

The secretary looked up at him and frowned snobbily.

"Ah." he said. "Vait over there, please. He shall see you soon." Turning away as if Halt was beneath him, the secretary bustled over to a stack of papers.

Halt rolled his eyes. He was quite sure that those papers were meaningless. But he turned and walked back to where Crowley was waiting.

"He's going to see us?" Crowley asked. Halt nodded and settled next to the redhead, trying to avoid possible contact.

Curse Morgarath for having such small sofas, he thought idly. He could move, he knew. But he decided he'd rather not. It would be easier to talk to Crowley unnoticed, he told himself.

They sat in silence for a few moments, Crowley drumming his fingers on the edge of the sofa and Halt staring out a window. The sun reflected off of Crowley's eyes, giving them a soft gold sheen.

Halt idly wondered if Crowley's eyes had always been that bright. Then he tore his mind off of such thoughts and focused instead on the stained glass.

"Halt." Crowley hissed softly, barely moving his lips. Halt shifted his glance towards Crowley.

"What." he whispered, annoyed.

Crowley turned away and Halt groaned silently. Then he tensed up again when Crowley gently flicked Halt's thigh with his finger.

@%*(=$  [*%   $%{_  [(-%   ]%$ (behind the desk tile red)

Halt nodded ever so slightly, glancing behind the desk. Every Ranger learned those touch signals in order to send messages. It was a code that could also be translated to audio or visual signals.

Reaching out slightly, he tapped Crowley on his thigh.

-(&*[=(=&  @|-[ (lightning bolt)

Crowley shifted slightly, worry clear in his eyes. Halt could practically hear the gears turning in Crowley's brain. 

They sat in silence for a bit, Crowley's eyes flicking from the tile to the window(though very discreetly). Halt leaned back on the couch, closing his eyes. Mentally, he thought of Pauline. He'd met and talked to her yesterday and he had to admit, the beautiful diplomat was intriguing. Tall and graceful, with long blonde hair and shimmering grey eyes.

An image of Crowley, grinning with warm hazel eyes, popped up in his head. Halt pushed it away and concentrated again on Pauline.

"Sir Morgarath shall see you know." the secretary drawled. Halt shoved away his temptation to shadow-travel over there and slap the secretary in the face and stood up. Crowley flashed a strained smile and walked towards a door labeled MORGARATH.

Halt paused for a bit, then followed Crowley and pushed open the door.

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