Plans, Evil Plans

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"So, there's this person who's building a weapon. A secret, possibly deadly, and maybe-destructive weapon." Duncan said, fixing his gaze on them.

"Yes, yes yes, and yes." Crowley said. "Anything we missed?" He glanced at Halt. "No? Ok then, have a good night."

Duncan looked at the two. "How do you each find your partner?" he asked curiously. This time, it was Halt who glanced at Crowley, narrowing his eyes. Crowley shrugged slightly.

"Halt's a real ball of sunshine." he said lightly. Halt gave him a glare, and Crowley responded with an easy smile. "No but seriously, you're secretly a total cinnamon roll." Halt responded by elbowing him in the ribs and Crowley nudged him, grinning evily. "Also, no offense, but aren't you a little, erm, merciless?"

Halt raised a brow. "As in?"

Crowley shrugged. "Threatening someone with a poisoned knife, perhaps? What poison was even on there?"

"I think it was Strychnine." Halt said noncahalntly. "Or maybe Deadly Nightshade. What's wrong?"

"Dunno, it's only some of the deadliest poisons in the world!" Crowley snapped, glaring at Halt. "That's just cruel!"

"Gotta make him talk somehow." Halt said, not fazed in the least. Crowley felt a slight shiver go up his spine. Halt's dark eyes were merciless, fully capable of killing someone. 

Halt felt a slight shiver of guilt. His cheerful, happy-go-lucky partner was also a big softy, and Halt got the feeling he'd scared the son of Apollo with his dismissive attitude.

"Look," Halt said quietly, carefully touching Crowley's arm, "they're bandits. I wouldn't threaten a good person with a deadly knife. And we needed to get them to talk somehow."

Crowley relaxed slightly, and gave Halt a light smile. "I guess." he said quietly. Meanwhile, Duncan watched them amused.

Already like a married couple, he mused. Then he cleared his throat suggestively. Crowley turned. "Sorry, sir." he said lightly.

Duncan smiled. "I got a pretty good impression of your collaborative skills from that talk." he said. "Alright, so I want the two of you to go to Research Centre and do some recon on this mysterious boss."

"We might need to do some hacking." Halt said. Crowley nodded. 

"A villain knows to hide all evidence." he said. "Especially online, where nothing is private."

Duncan smiled at the two of them. "Off you go, then." he said, shooing them out.


Crowley flexed his fingers, grinning. "I've always loved the research centre." he said excitedly. "Dad's the God of knowledge, so...."

Halt glanced around hurriedly, but no one was listening. "Shhh!" he hissed. "Do you want the whole world to know that we're demigods?!"

Crowley laughed, nudging him gently. "Most of the IF are demigods and clear-sighted mortals." he said. "And those who aren't either know about our existence."

"Oh." Halt nodded, feeling a little embarrassed about not knowing. Crowley, he noticed, was a bit of a touchy person. For whatever reason, Halt didn't quite mind.

Than didn't mean he should show it. After all, the son of Hades thought to himself, it was good to keep others on their toes.

"Haaaaaaalt!" Crowley said in his ear suddenly. Halt turned to glare at the grinning sandy-haired male.

"What." he asked, annoyed. Crowley gave him a 100-megawatt grin. By the gods, it's like nothing ever fazes him

"Nothing." Crowley said happily. "Just wanted to get your attention." Glaring at Crowley, Halt took a seat beside his partner and watched as Crowley logged in.

"What was the guy's phone number?" Crowley asked, tossing Halt a sheet of paper. Halt scanned it, then said, "546-799-0001". Crowley nodded, typing in the numbers. 

"I'm quite sure this number's faked." he said thoughtfully. "No villain would actually give away their real phone number. Either they called from some place other than their actual phone or they changed how it looked. Let me run a scan..."

Crowley typed in a few commands, his fingers blurring on the keyboard. A black screen popped up and Crowley entered the phone number.

"Interesting..." Crowley murmured, "Let's see....". He typed in a string of letters and the screen changed to a blaring skull. Crowley nodded and quickly took a screenshot before it vanished.

"Done!" he said triumphantly, pressing the print button on the computer.

"What's done?" Halt asked. "All you got was a photo."

Crowley beamed. "My friend, I know how this works. C'mon!" Jumping up, he dragged Halt off towards the laboratory.


Halt glared at Crowley. "You seriously had to pull me?" he snapped.

Crowley nudged him in the side. "No time, no time to lose!" he said, bouncing around the laboratory like an actual ball of sunshine. He jumped on a table and tugged down what Halt recognized as a black light, a pad of paper, and a hot-knife.

"You know how to do this, I presume?" he asked Halt. Halt nodded, taking the piece of paper. He took a special plastic folder and quickly cleansed it while Crowley prepared the black light. Taking the paper, Halt slipped it into the folder and sealed the edges quickly. Crowley snatched up a roll of Infra-Tape and quickly wrapped it around the folder, then tossed the black light at Halt. While Halt scanned the page, Crowley grabbed a UV pen and started writing down everything he saw, in order.

"Got it all?" Halt asked. Crowley nodded, and slipped the pen into his pocket.

"Let's go, let's go!" Crowley said, snatching up the paper and dragging Halt(again) by the hand. Surprised, Halt stumbled after his energetic partner, keeping a grip on Crowley's hand to keep himself balanced(at least, that's what he told himself.)

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