Lion's Den

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Halt rubbed his arm and glared at Crowley. For such a slim guy, he had a powerful grip. And a very annoying grin. The only good thing was that he was a skilled member of the IF, and a very high-leveled one at that. The fact that he was a demigod didn't hurt either.

Halt settled down into a chair next to his partner and watched as Crowley typed with almost inhuman speed. By now, Halt knew not to underestimate the redhead. Though he looked just like a tall, matured goofy kid, Halt could see the wiry strength beneath the fair skin, the analytical gaze hidden behind the grin, the fiery determination blazing in his heart. Even though Crowley easily eroded Halt's small reserve of patience, he had to admit Duncan chose well. 

"This villain really knows his cyberstuff." Crowley said, fingers blurring on the keys. "Smart guy."

Halt raised a brow. "Did you really just compliment a villain?"

Crowley raised one right back, mirroring his trademark expression. "Admit you had the same thing in mind." he said seriously. "He's smart enough to hide his tracks and make many paths possible to follow. People who can do that-especially online-have my respect."

Halt sighed. "Doesn't make it any easier." he said unhappily.

Crowley smiled.wryly. "True." he admitted. "But at least we get an impression of his style. And method. And what we're up against."

Halt nodded, his brain already considering several paths. 

"Yes. Ok. We'll be right there, sir." Crowley said from beside him. Halt vaguely compared Crowley's smooth voice to honey over gravel. Flowing, with a slight roughness.

"Halt, we gotta go." Crowley said, reaching towards Halt's arm. Halt pulled it away and glared at Crowley, then stood up to follow the redhead. 


"So." Crowley said, leafing through the booklet. "We have to get info, act well, don't get caught, yada yada yada. Anything I missed?" He glanced expectingly at Halt, then smiled softly. "Yes? Ok, c'mon. We gotta fetch our stuff." He reached out towards Halt's arm, then pulled it back with an apologetic smile. "Sorry. No touchy-touchy, I forgot." He stood up in a swift motion, revealing a toned back for a moment, then set off towards their equipment room, Halt following. 

As they walked, Crowley regaled him with some gossip. "There's this lady-Pauline, I think she was. A diplomat. I think she likes you, bud." 

Halt raised a brow in question. "Is that so?"

Crowley nodded, amusement and some other strange emotion glittering in his hazel eyes. "You should go see her." he says teasingly, nudging Halt once again. "Soon you'll be maaaaaaried and have tons of little Halts and Paulines." 

Halt elbowed Crowley. Hard. "I am not getting married." he said angrily. "And certainly not having kids."

"Riiiiiiiiight." Crowley said happily, nudging him once again as they walked. "Anyhow, I got a call from Duncan. He got a lead from the info. The person we're dealing with is called Morgarath. I searched him up on the web; he owns a weapons company. He's actually your cousin; a son of Zeus. Power-hungry."

Halt thought back. "Did he serve under Kronos?" he asked. Crowley shook his head. "He was independent." Crowley said. "I think he planned to take over Olympus. Being Zeus's son somehow made others trust him. Somehow."

Halt nodded, mulling over the information.

"Welcome to the Hub." Crowley said dramatically, waving a hand. It was a giant room filled with all sorts of things. Weapons, scanners, walkie-talkies, medkits, everything any agent could possibly need. The two of them stepped inside, Crowley going straight for his bow and Halt stepping forward to finger a cloak. 

"Got your stuff?" Crowley asked from behind him. It was uncanny, how quiet he was for a son of Apollo.

"Yes." Halt said drily. "What's our mission?"

Crowley scratched his chin with one hand and slung his bow over his shoulder with the other. "We're just supposed to go and talk to him." he said. "See if we can obtain any information."

Halt nodded. It made sense. Don't be too intrusive, try and coax him into slipping a little information. Then something occurred to him.

"How will we get in?" he asked.

Crowley smirked calmly, looking much more dangerous than he usually did.

"Come with me." he said, walking forwards. Slightly confused, Halt followed him through rows of cloaks and varied weapons to a door. A hidden door, he amended.

Crowley opened it and stepped out with Halt into the sunlight. Halt could practically feel the happiness Crowley felt at being outside. Like most of the IF, Crowley hated paperwork and being indoors.

"So, how'll we get into his office?" Halt asked as they walked down the road. Crowley considered for a moment.

"We'll have to antagonize some of his lackeys." he said, making a brief gesture towards himself. Halt nodded. Demigods, he meant.

"How?" he asked simply. Crowley considered that for a moment.

"Shouldn't be too hard." he said thoughtfully. "They'll get mad about everything under the Milky Way. Just disagree with them and you'll be fine."

Halt nodded, following Crowley. They rounded a corner and Crowley gestured towards a bar.

Halt raised a brow. "They'll be in there?" he asked. Crowley nodded. 

"I've seen them go there often." he said.

Halt raised a brow.

"....So I asked my dad, so what?"

Halt rolled his eyes. "As long as you admit it." he said wryly.

Together, they walked into the bar. The lion's den. Halt thought wryly. And we're about to stab the lion through the eye.

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