18: Get A Ring On It

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    Hi, Snowflake!

    So uh, this is going to be like, a little video of my world down here… I thought that maybe, since you showed me Toronto, but you've never gotten to visit Oz, I'd show you a bit of where I grew up. Hopefully, I'll get to bring you with me one day, but this'll have to do for now.


    This is where the video shop I used to work at was… I know I've told you how I got fired a million times before, so I'll spare you this time. They've closed down now; it looks like they're going to be a clothing shop now. Sucks for them.


    This is my old high school. Good ol' Richmond High. Now we're in the music room. This is where I spent most of my time, to be honest. Hiding out in here. So basically, I came here alone because I was sick of being alone. It sounds weird when I say it out loud, but… I just liked the instruments. I liked playing them, especially the drums, cos it's one of the only things I thought was ever really good at.

    Here's the visual arts room, I spent a lot of time in here, too. This was another one of my favourite subjects… I guess I'm an artsy guy. It's good for expressing yourself and that.my favourite things were drawing and photography. I can't paint for shit. Actually, when I paint, it kind of looks like shit. S'probably a good thing I'm in a band.

    I used to be in Drama club as well. That stage right there is where I freaking smashed it as wolf number three in Beauty and the Beast.


    Here's the ice cream shop we used to come to every year on my birthday. Actually, first, we went to the beach, then, we'd come here for ice cream on the way home. I never really knew why… my birthday’s in the dead of winter, but I guess that’s just what my parents decided to do. They have the best chocolate chip ice cream in the entire world; I'm going to have to bring you here some day.


    I used to coach soccer here at this field. To be honest, I don't even think I was that good of a coach, we didn't usually win. But I like to think everyone had a good time, which is the important part, I guess. Ha-ha, spoken like a true loser. It's too bad Calum and I weren't friends yet. He probably would've been a good coach.


    My friends and I used to come to this café after school or at lunch sometimes. I feel like I'm talking about food a lot, buy hey, I'm a hungry guy. Their hot chocolate is the best ever. It's like melted chocolate bars and milk and they always put some little marshmallows in, if you ask them.


   When I was about six, I think, I broke my arm falling out of that tree, right there. I remember thinking that it was the most horrible pain I'd felt in my life… it ruined the park for me for about a year. Looking back, I wish that was still the most awful thing I ever had to feel. I wish that stuff like that was the worst thing that could happen to anyone. Broken bones and scrapes and stuff all get better with time. But stuff happens to people that they can't just fix with time… I don't know. I know that everything that's ever happened to me has made me the man I am today, and I wouldn't change a thing, because I'm the happiest I've ever been, but… there are some people that just go through so many awful things, and it's so hard on them…

    Sorry babe, that was a lot heavier than I meant it to go. I had a lot of really good times in this park, too. I learned how to swing on a swing, right over there. I scraped my knee when I jumped off it when I was trying to impress a girl in Year One. She didn't even notice me. But I did get a Spider-Man plaster for the scrape, so that was good. Who needs girls when you've got a Spider-Man plaster, right?

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