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Abel begins having nightmares.

Horrifying nightmares that feel real, too real.  Nightmares that leave him panting, breathless, and covered in a cold sweat.  Nightmares he can almost touch, almost feel, almost taste.

Copper fills his mouth and spills from his lips, salty and with a disgusting taste of irony metal.  The red trickles down his chin and drips onto his shirt, onto his hands and onto the floor.  He's drowsy, a fullness filling him and sating a raging hunger.

He stares at his bare feet, closes his eyes briefly as he feels the rouch surface of concrete scratching at his soles, small pebbles digging into his skin.  His eyes flutter open and he finds splotches of red covering his toes, dry flakes of- of what can only be blood.  He pales, further losing his color when he looks across the ally.  His heart nearly stops, body trembling.

Across the darkness lays a body, unmoving.

His stomach twists in knots.  His legs moving on their own accord as he approaches the unconscious person.

"Hello?" He calls out, voice quivering.

No response.

He gets even closer only to collapse onto his knees when he sees exactly why there's no response.

"Oh god," he whimpers, "Oh god!"

The person, who is distinguishably a homeless man, lies dead.  Well, beheaded.  But dead is a given.

Carnage appears beside him, long tongue flicking out and licking his razor sharp teeth.  Abel looks up at him, body trembling with fear and disgust as Carnage reaches out and pops a broken finger into his mouth.

Abel vomits, he throws up at the sight only to be scolded.

"Ungrateful human," Carnage growls in his ear, "I feed us and this how you repay us?"

Abel shakes his head, tears spilling down his cheeks with a mantra of, "no, no, no," on his lips.

Then it's Carnage turning on him, jaw unhinging and sharp teeth wrapping around his neck before he's being engulfed.

He wakes up with a scream on his lip, a scream he muffles quickly with his hand.

He can't breathe, he can't!

No, no, no!

Shut up!

Abel flinches, scrambling back in his bed.  He looks around almost wildly until Carnage manifests before him.

The alien slime snarls at him and Abel keeps replaying that scene from his dream, from his nightmare.  The scene where Carnage eats him alive.

"I'm going to be sick," he whimpers.

Carnage shrinks back, watches as the little human vomits over the side of the bed.  He sobs into his forearm when he's done.  Carnage feels that- that thing tug at his nonexistent heart again.

He reaches out.  A clawed hand landing on the boy's warm neck.  But Abel is too tired, too weak, to even flinch.

Pathetic human, so weak.

Abel nods, he knows.  He knows he's weak.  He knows he's pathetic.  He knows he's unwanted.

Carnage frowns.

Carefully he scoops up the human as he completely manifests into a more humanoid version.  His arms are thick and bulging and he can crush anything and anyone if he so wishes.  Abel should be scared, he is, but frankly he's starting not to give a damn.

"No more," he whispers.

Carnage stills.

"No more eating people," Abel says.

And he knows, deep down, he knows those are not just nightmares.

Carnage is killing, is using him to kill, to-

Eat, survive.  Otherwise I would be killing you more slowly, more painfully.  Or have you forgotten how your body nearly gave out?

Abel shivers.

But Carnage only continues, I've been on this puny planet for months now, have been inhibiting your body for weeks.  I've done my research, I am aware of what to do and only go after easy pickings.  Pickings who won't be missed.

They didn't deserve it, Abel thinks.

Carnage scoffs, and Abel forgets that Carnage can read his mind, read him like an open book.

No more, he begs, please.

Carnage growls, "That is one request I'm willing to deny."

Abel sobs, muffling his shallow breathing into Carnage's chest.  He looks at his hands, hands mixed with red and he knows he's a killer.

Yet the comfort of Carnage's arms is enough to lull him to sleep.

Wrapped In You [mpreg|sequel]Where stories live. Discover now