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Hey guys, long time no see. I know that it's my fault. But I thank you all for being patient with me. As usual comments are appreciated.  And if you have similarities with the any characters or situation, it wasn't intentional. Hope you enjoy this chapter. So let's go

Previously on Dream of Sarah Jones

It’s been over 6 years I haven’t seen this book. I gave one last thought about it and opened it. On the first page was a picture of me and Benny during my 18th birthday where we celebrated in the beach. His brown hair being brushed by the wind, his hazel eyes sparkling along with smile which always made my day better. It was one of my best day of my life and also the last time I saw him. I sat on my armchair and opened the book, a lot of memories came rushing to my mind….

(I'm narrating)
(I'm thinking)

13 Years Ago…………

“Sarah! Sarah! Getup it’s time for your coaching class.”

“Come on dad just 5 more minutes”

“No you need to go”

“Fine I’ll go”

I woke up and got ready, I hate early morning. As I walking I was thinking about the day’s things, I wasn’t sure how long I was thinking but I was suddenly brought to reality by someone’s knocking  me to the ground. I was angry with myself for being careless. Great way of starting the day Sally.


“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you” said a soft-matured male voice in front of me. I looked up and saw a pair of brown eyes full of concern for her.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes I am.”

“I’m sorry once again”

“Relax I am fine. It wasn't your fault. I wasn't looking where I was going".

“Okay sorry but I got to go"

“Yeah so do I. bye”

After he nodded he left in his cycle. I wasn’t sure whether I have to worry about my wounds or happy about meeting him. But I just shook the idea and went on my way thinking when I will meet him again. Okay Sal you must have really hit your head.

That morning I left to school a little earlier than usual, when I entered the class I saw Helen. She is chubby, fair, black-haired and medium height as mine. She has been my best friend for as long as I remember. She came towards me woth a smile and waving her hand.

“You’re early”

“Hello to you too. I'm fine thanks for asking. And why shouldn’t I be early?”

“Well it only explains that u need something from me. Out with it Helen!!”

“Okay you got me Nancy drew I need your Maths homework. I don't understand half of the stuff he teaches us.”

I threw my hand in the air feeling happy about my right deduction not that I mind being called Nancy drew I love that character but I know Helen more than she admits. And she hates it sometimes.

“Here you go but make it fast we need to go to the assembly”

“Don’t worry I’m faster than you think”

saying so she left to copy it. Wait did she just quote from the flash. This girl is really over in her head with comics.

The day went very slow than I expected and I couldn’t help but keep thinking about what happened today morning. Those brown eyes full of concern for……… stop it why am I thinking about him now. I should really stop being around with Helen too much (chuckle).

At 3:30 the school was over I was walking with Helen outside, I noticed she was silent than usual, I can see that she is in deep thought and I couldn’t help but be curious about it.

“Okay what is in your mind hilly?”

I know she hates me when I call her hilly cause it is not a usual nick name you give someone. But I couldn’t think any other name for Helen.

“I’ve told you not to call me like that”

“Sorry babe not happening, so what is in your mind?”

“Sarah what do you think about Love?”


“Excuse me?”

“Yeah nuisance, waste of time and energy, why do you ask”

“So you say that loving someone is stupid?”
I can see she is angry by my opinion.

“No Helen I think now it is of no use any way. We are young and we make stupid decisions. And I dont want love to be one of the them just because I couldn't wait for the right person. Why are you worried about it?”

“Uh? Nothing important”

I can see that she is hiding something but I know that she is not ready to open about it to me. So I left it as it is. But how do you know that you are in love…..? I again got a glimpse of those eyes again. I shook that thought and started to go home. Today I will be going to another coaching class. I’m fed up of changing my classes but then what to do.

Maya is the name of the teacher she is in her mid-thirties, married, no children and works as a teacher in a reputed school. She is friendly as well as strict she really pulls it really good.

“Everyone this is Sarah and she is new here. Be good to her and Sarah you can do your work if u have doubt approach me.”

“Thank you ma’am”

The first day was as usual I was nervous even to look at the others. But as days went on it was getting much easier. Among them is Dorothy who is technically younger than me but older in behavior. We both always end up being the culprits at the end of a problem but we finish the work given in parallel.

It was a usual day that day I was being my usual self asking doubts when I heard someone calling her.

“Excuse me ma’am may I come in?”

“Oh of course come in”

I looked up to see who it was. Hazel eyes met those mesmerizing brown ones. It’s him. What is he doing here? Does he remember me?....  Wait why am i worried whether he remembers me or not? Even though I was aware of the movements around me, but everything was on mute for me, the small kids talking with each other or even Miss.Maya talking to him, everything was just actions in front of me. I simply couldn’t take my eyes off him.

“So boys have your seats and any doubts feel free to ask me.”

That's when I noticed that he came with another guy. He came to sit beside me. I sucked my breath. He looked at me and smiled at me. There was a spark in his eyes.

“Hey we meet again. I’m Benjamin by the way”.

Saying so he held out his hand. I slowly reached for his hand.

End of the chapter

Hey guys, so I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know what you think on the comments. If there were any mistakes that has been overlooked, also let me. So thank you once again. See you on next update. Bye..

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