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Hi my friends, I'm so happy to see you all in an another update. I'm  sorry for the late as i was in some confusion with it. Hope you all are safe and healthy. Well let's go into the chapter, I'll see you at the end of it.

Previously on Dream of Sarah Jones

I stopped eating and tensed up. The air was now filled with tension so thick that it was a surprise we could even breath. Benny was waiting for me respond, whereas me I came down from the calm and relaxed state like a falling meteor and crashing down as I saw all the memories running in the front of my mind.

(I'm narrating)
(I'm thinking)

The blanket of warm comfort that was in the room now felt like static electricity buzzing between us with tension. I couldn't help but get drawn into the journey of my life since I came back home after my studies. Benny looked at me and knew that he touched the wrong nerve.

My throat started to choke with words that wants to just blabber out to him. I took a deep breath and spoke to him without any eye contact.

"Well everything was fine in the beginning. My parents were happy and proud of me when I graduated. I got my internship easily and I had a routine life. But slowly my mom wanted me to settle down meaning get married. And I wasn't ready."

I gulped a bit, giving myself some time to gather up my thoughts. Benny just sat beside me without moving an inch, indicating that he is still there with me and listening to me patiently.

"We started to get into arguments everyday because of it, and dad and my sister couldn't come to sort of the matters. One day it when too much that I decided to leave my house. So I took my stuff and went to stayed with my friend. I struggled a lot during my internship. But I managed to save money and well here I am. Thats why I have atleast have 2-3 clinics a day."

"So you have been alone all these years."

"Well at first I felt the loneliness but I got occupied with my busy schedule that I just didn't give it another thought. Thats how I was able to achieve alot of things. And now I'm in my final stages of my life long dream."

"Yes speaking of that. I saw the blueprints of the building but I dont understand what do you want to do with it. It sounds more like a-"

"Old age home?...... yeah your right it is. But It won't be just  old age home. One floor will be for them. Another will be for orphan children and mothers, a way for being children and kids for each other. One room will be big enough to be a clinic so that there will be always be some one available to treat for any emergencies. One floor will be a dining place with a kitchen. The old people will get their food from the caretaker, whereas the others will be using the dining place. There would also be enough space for  a garden where I want the children and the caretaker to his esoteric vegetables planted so they don't get bored and have another means of fresh vegetables. All the children will have education whether if its through home school or school."

Benny looked at me in pride and awe. He was speechless as he heard the final plan.

"Your really great Sally. But don't you think we need more funding for all this. I mean we have the sufficient for the building process but what about running it. You will need alot more for it?".

I laughed at his anxious face. That was the moment I realised that even though I was skeptical to give this work to him, now I feel that it was the right thing to do. We may have become strangers to each other, but somehow his involvement in my dream project was just meant to be.

"Relax Benny I get what your trying to convey.  The initial funding will be solely mine. But then the rest will be handled by a group of my friends. In this 6-8 years I have had alot of good friends who knew about my dream since day one. And they were also equally committed to it. They will be more like a silent partners with me. Plus I'm a member in a doctor's association for many years so I have their support as well. Thats how my dream was able to become big enough."

I said to him while finish my cheesecake. I turned to look at him and saw that he was frozen between happy and awe.

"Why are you looking at me like that?".

"Thats the first time you have called me Benny since we met again".

I faltered after what he said. I blushed in embarrassment when I realised that I dropped my guard on him. Well its not my fault. The cheesecake was too nice to not enjoy it.

"Sally I can also hear your mind voice blaming the cheecake for it. But I'm happy that it dropped your guard on me for a while."

"Well then I better go to sleep I have to wake up early tomorrow. I have a surgery scheduled so I need all the rest I can".

As I  was about to go up the stairs, Benny got hold of my hand and twirled me towards him. He hugged me close to his heart without giving any space in-between. Everything happened so fast that my brain felt like it was short circuited.

"Don't worry Sally. I'll always be there for you. I'm sorry that I couldn't be there when you needed me the most. But now, even if you hide in any part of the world I will come in search of you and never leave your side."

All I could was drop my walls completely and sob in his arms. He didn't move a muscle to get away. Infact he hugged me even closer letting me to open the flood gates of all my hardships, loneliness, silences, betrayals, happiness and satisfaction I had been bottling up in me for the past 6 years.

I didnt know when I fell asleep cause I woke up to the sound of my alarm bedside my bed. I looked around groggily, trying to remember how I came up here.

Then I remembered about last night incident and facepalmed myself. All it took ONE CHEESECAKE and you were singing like a canary to him. How is that he still has that hold on me after all these years!!!.

One thing I couldn't help but accept the fact that it was the best sleep I ever had in all these years. I took few more moments to collect myself up and went downstairs to make some breakfast for me and Benny. Now that I have dropped my act in front of him, I don't think I can go back to being ice princess.

I put on some music on my phone while I was preparing for the pancakes. I was also swaying to the music and cooking while forgetting the universe around me.

All of a sudden I heard doorbell ring. I stopped my music and thought of who it could be at this time of the hour. I kept the stuff on the counter and went to the door.

I opened the door and saw a stunning woman who had long brown hair left on one side, she was wearing a dark grey off shoulder three fourth shirt with jet black high waist jeans . She had matching high heels boots and handbag along with a long black crystal earrings finishing the look. She took off her sunglasses, which showed her black eyes looking at me in question.

"Hi I'm Stella, I'm here to see my fiance Benjamin Smith."

End of the chapter

Hey friends, I hope you like this chapter. Your comments and votes are appreciated.  Also I apologise in advance for any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. I pray that you all stay safe and healthy in this dire situations. Take care. I'll see you all in another update soon......

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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