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Hey guys. I'm back after a long time. For those who have read my previous story, welcome back and thank you for your support.  And for those who are new, thank you for choosing my story to read. Before I bore you guys I'll let you to carry on with my story. Comments are appreciated. Once again thank you all for coming.

(I'm narrating)
(I'm thinking)

It was 10 in the morning when I reached the office of SBS Construction Company Pvt.Ltd. Thank God, my appointment is at 11. I parked my red Chevy Cruz and entered the building.

“Excuse me, Can you tell me which floor is SBS Constructions is?”

“Third floor ma’am”

“Thank you”

It was busier than usual; the elevator was packed with people, when I set my foot out of the elevator I finally felt myself breathing again. After few minutes I resumed my way towards the right when a big board reading SBS Constructions welcomed me. I entered into the office with a feeling that I would get help here……….

As soon as I entered the office, I saw a thin woman with her long black hair neatly tied into a bun approaching me with a smile on her face.

“Good morning ma’am, how may I help you?”

“Hello, my name is Dr. Sarah Jones; I’m here to meet your boss. I have an appointment with him.”

“Very well ma’am, you’re right on time, just wait for 2 minutes. I’ll shall inform him”

“Okay, thank you, by the way can I know your boss name I kind of lost the card that my friend gave me”

“Sure, his name is Benjamin Smith”

No, it can’t be, no it’s impossible. The name Benjamin Smith struck my heart like the lightning strikes the sky. A flood of memories rushed into my mind. The name which played a major role in my life. The person who I wished I would never see again in my life. But now here I am to meet him to help me.

I didn’t notice for how long I have been standing in there but I was brought back to reality by the same lady I was speaking before.

“Ma’am you feeling alright?”

“Yeah I’m fine”

“You can meet him, second cabin on the right”

“Thank you”

I slowly walked towards his door gathering as much as courage possible and stood in front of his cabin, I stood there for few seconds, then braced myself for the last time and opened the door.

At once I was enveloped by familiar scent after a very long time, I masked my face with a blank expression to avoid the exposure of my emotions and spoil this opportunity.

There he was sitting behind his name board. He hasn’t changed much over the years he was the same tall, handsome body well-built with some traces of maturity in his features. His brown hair cut short and his hazel eyes which still had the spark like old times and a slight satisfied smile on his face.He looked like a real businessman in his well-tailored suit as he was busily talking with one of his clients.

“Okay Mr. Wilson I’ll see all the blueprints and send it to you as soon as possible”

Saying so he hung up and faced towards the door, our eyes met. I felt the familiar shivers throughout my body, it’s been years I haven’t seen those hazel eyes which now showed full of surprise and happiness. I quickly broke our eye contact for a second and came further inside the room. He stood up and came near me in a trance state and touch my hand as if he was making sure that he wasn’t dreaming.

“Sally? Sally is that you?”

End of the chapter

Hey guys, so that's the end for chapter one. Hope you liked it if so please let me know with your comments and likes. If I have made any mistakes also let me know so that I won't do it in the near future. Well see you guys on the next updates. Bye.

Dream of Sarah JonesWhere stories live. Discover now