The Choice

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Hot? Pretty? Cute?

Nah, I am beautiful.

And you are beautiful.

In this world, society gives you tags such as hot, pretty, nerd, slut, etc. And we mistakenly abide by those tags and forget who we truly are and rather start believing in what society wants us to believe. But really, who are they to judge us? To judge our stories? 

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

I believe every single person on here is beautiful in their own ways. 

The one with lots and lots of acne, the ebony-black person, one with lots of scars all over their body- everyone is beautiful in their own ways. There are 7.2 billion people on this planet and if someone out of the 2000 you have met doesn't see you, it doesn't mean you are not worth looking at. Your beholder is right around the corner, binge eating or binge watching something you love.

Nobody knows your story and it's not fair for us to judge others' either. The skinny person you praise to be someday, is maybe an Anorexic. The fat person you hate to be seen with, maybe is dealing with Bulimia or PCOD. The person who acts all bitchy may be acting so to seek validation because who knows? His or her parents may be going through a hard time, neglecting their kid completely. The person who is made fun of for being weak in sports, is maybe one of the most strongest people you could meet. The one with lowest marks may become a great entrepreneur one day.

You never know their stories. And neither do others know your story.

So know yourself. Know what you deserve and decide when shit is enough. Shut all the negativity. You don't owe anything to anyone. And neither do they. You can stop caring too much about people and start living for yourself right at this moment. It's not about who you are. It's about what you want to become and what price you are willing to pay for it.

So the question is,

Do you want to be someone who lived his/her life by the atrocious tags that the small minded society decided for them?

Or do you want to be someone who rose from the preposterous stigma and became the best versions of them?

The choice is yours.

Smile. Be kind. Fall in love with yourself.


When was the last time you did something for yourself, even though it was against the social 'norms'?



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