Chapter 13 | Tale of the Past and a problem for Today

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'What's he doing?' I heard Helen think as my view of myself tilted slightly and got more of a close up on my face. I decided to try to grab whatever was letting me look at myself and I felt something solid there. "Um, (Y/N), what're you doing?" Helen asked out loud.
"Let's just call it 'a test'" I said plainly. "I think I'm onto something here" I added.
"O-okay" she said, followed by the sound of her shuffling a little. I eventually felt my way around what was looking at me and my hands reached two separate sides. On instinct, I pulled at the sides and I felt and saw something come off, however my vision was then obscured by a pair of hands. Confused as to what happened, I opened my eyes to see Helen covering her face with her hands and her mask in mine. I felt a smile grow across my face as I spoke.
"I guess the answer to your question is a yes" I said smugly.
"G-great. Could you give me my mask back? P-please?" she asked, clearly as shy as Jackie was.
"Sure" I said as I stood up. "If you can grab it" I added as I held it up and out of her reach. I saw her peek through her fingers at me as she huffed.
"No fair!" she exclaimed as she reached for her mask while she kept her face covered with one hand.
"I'll give it back to you on one condition" I said smugly.
"*sigh* and that would be?" she huffed as went back to fully covering her face.
"Show me what you look like" I said as I spun the mask on my finger, still out of her reach.
"Wh-why do you want me to?!" she said, clearly surprised at my offer.
"Jane told me that you wear your mask around me because you're still warming up to me. If that's really the case, showing me your face would be a good step in the right direction" I explained.

"Well that's not the only reason..." Helen mumbled as she turned around.
"Then what's the other?" I asked, still holding her mask up.
"W-well... I don't want you to judge me. I was bullied for a long time and it never really bothered me. But with a new resident in the mansion, your opinion is actually a concern of mine now..." she said, looking down at the floor.
"But if my opinion is so important, surely getting my first impression out of the way would help you learn how to make my opinion of you better" I explained.
"W-well the thing is..." she began. "Um..."
"You see-"
"You didn't think of that as an outcome, did you?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Well... no" she admitted with a sigh.
"So, you gonna show me what you look like now?" I asked, moving her mask behind my back.

She didn't move for a little while, and I was able to catch some stray thoughts while she debated with herself on what to do next. Eventually, she let her head and arms hang as she turned around, as if she didn't want to face me. She didn't look like she'd be looking up anytime soon so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I silently took a step towards her so we were only a few inches away from each other, I kept her mask behind me in one hand as I used my other to do what I intended. I placed my middle and pointer fingertips under her chin and lifted her head up so my (E/C) eyes met her bright, sky blue ones. "I don't know why you wear a mask, you're gorgeous" I said with a smile. She went bright red as I moved my hand away from her face and handed back her mask. "Do everyone a favour and wear that less often, pretty please?" I said kindly. She gave a shy nod in response as she gently took the mask from my hand and speedily walked out of my room. "See you later" I muttered under my breath with a smile as she shut my door. With a small chuckle I walked back to my bed and sat down and continued to finish my half eaten lunch.

(Time skip brought to you by Helen frantically drawing in a notebook, incredibly red-faced)

I eventually finished my food with (surprisingly) no other interruptions and afterwards, I then took my plate down to the kitchen after putting my mask on. Walking into the large room, I saw plates upon plates stacked in the sink. I sighed at the sight as I rolled up my sleeves and untied the bandages on my hands and wrists. With a crack of my knuckles, I washed and dried each dish individually. Luckily they weren't too messy, however some had some stains that I had to scrub extra hard and apply extra soap to get off. As I finished I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in as I used a rag to dry my hands. I turned to see Clockwork leaning on the doorway, facing my direction. "May I help you?" I asked, keeping my hands behind my back.
"Not in a way that you'd consent to. I was just enjoying the show~" she said with a wink.
"The show of... me cleaning up?" I questioned as I fixed up my bandages behind me.
"Yeah, I like watching a man at work~" she cooed.
"Good to know" I said simply. I looked at her eye and saw that the time was 1:35. '...great' I thought, mentally sighing out of boredom. "What do you guys do for fun around here?" I said, evidently looking ever so bored.
"We've all got stuff in our rooms to keep us occupied, or we go out and kill people. Maybe I could 'entertain' you for a bit~" she teased, making me go a little red.
"Let's keep that on hold for now. But actually, where about was that music hall again?" I asked, an idea coming to my head.
"Oh that? Follow me, I'll escort you there~" she said with a wink, motioning for me to follow her using her pointer finger. I did so until we got into the room and I walked up to the stage, leaving her in the audience.

"Why did you want to come here?" she asked from the front row, scooting in her seat to lay across a couple of seats.
"I'm bored and I like music, so I thought I'd get a little practice in to pass the time" I said with a shrug. I looked behind a curtain to see all the instruments from my last visit sat there. "Nice" I said as I walked over and grabbed an acoustic guitar and started strumming to see if it was in tune, and thankfully it was.
"Ooooo, are you gonna play something for me?~" Clockwork teased.
"Play something? Yeah. For you? Well, you can take it how you want" I said as I sat down on the edge of the stage, with Clockwork taking a front row seat. I played a few random chords as I racked my brain for a song, and after a couple a seconds I made a decision. Since I could only play one instrument at a time, I settled for a song that was mainly guitar: "Let Her Go" by Passenger.

After I was done, I let out a large breath and looked up to see Clockwork with a look of awe on her face. She got out of her seat applauding, eventually walking up on stage and praising me the whole time. "Wow! Aren't you just full of surprises?" She asked.
"I guess you could say that" I said as I set the guitar down.
"I wonder what else you could surprise me with~" she muttered, lightly drawing circles on my chest with her finger.
"That depends on what you want to be surprised with" I said with a shrug.
"Well..." she began, however she abruptly stopped as a very faint ticking noise gradually became clearer. "There's a certain thing you could surprise me with~" she flirted as she ran her finger down my chest and eventually moved to my waist. "And I like big surprises~" she seductively whispered in my ear, gently tugging at my waist band.

"Sorry, Clockwork. Now's not the right... time" I said with a smug grin as I bolted out of the room. I didn't bother to look back until I was nearing the gym, and I heard rapid footsteps behind me.
"(Y/Nnnnnnnn)~. Come baaaaaaaaack, sweetie~" Clockwork called from behind me. I didn't respond until we both got to the gym that was apparently deserted. Without thinking first, I dove into the sparring ring and stood in a corner - making sure to watch Clockwork's every move. With a smirk on her face, she climbed into the ring with me. "Come on, (Y/N)~. Give me some love~" she said as she creepily licked her lips, sending a shiver down my spine.
"Come on, Clocky, no means no" I said, preparing for the worst.
"Awww, you thought of a cute little nickname for me. I could just gobble you up~" she added happily.
"Man, you are gonna be a real pain in my ass if this keeps up" I mumbled, doing my best to think of a plan.
"I was thinking more like an ache in your dick" she said with a wink.
"Fuck me..." I groaned under my breath.
"Gladly!" Clockwork exclaimed as she dove for me.
"Yeah, I ran into that one..." I sighed.

'This was not how I expected things to go!'

The Killers' Nightmare (A Female Creepypastas X Male Reader story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora