Chapter 14 - Here we go again

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Sorry for all the slow updates, I'm really lazy so that is why... Sorrryyyyyy :))


The operation on Reidy went not good. Are you fricking kidding me!? Why is this so typical? Why is it just like in the movies? I mean come on, just give them a break will ya? They already suffered enough, but no they have to suffer even more..

"Ugh..." I murmur and I lower my head on my hands. "Seriously. Is it gonna be like this?" I ask, but more to myself then to the doctor, who's still standing beside me and kerrbox.  "I'm very sorry that this is happening to your friend sir, but we're doing the best we can."

I chuckle, "You always say that don't you? Yes, right?", I ask while looking directly into the doctors eyes. The doctor nods, and before she can say something I continue, "then, why is it that everything you've done for them so far, always turns out in a failure? I mean now you need to save his live again. It's like you can't do anything right, isn't it?" I move closer towards the doctor with my teeth clenched.

"Sir, we're sorry that things are not working out like you would've hoped, but it is not our fault that his condition doesn't remain stable. We're doctors and not some sort of gods who can choose who'll die and who'll survive. So maybe you should think again before you speak." The doctor replies, clearly irritated, which is in some sort of way understandable. "I understand that you're frustrated, but it is not our fault or because we 'are not trying hard enough', understood?"

I nod slowly, and the doctor looks at me with approving eyes.
"Now, if you would like some more information about the operation I suggest that you let me speak for the next 3 minutes." The doctor continues while keeping her eyes focused on me. "Okay fine, I get it. Go ahead." I reply quietly while looking down.

"Thank you for understanding." She says while smiling lightly, "Mr. Reid is momentarily stable, but there were some complications during the operation, which is why there is now a higher risk that his condition will destabilize. And that means that he'll have to stay in the hospital for a couple more weeks."

"He's going to recover fully righ?" Kerrbox asks in a worried tone. The doctor sighs and replies:" Well for now it looks like that but we can not conclude anything too early. We of course hope that he stays stable and that this was his last operation."

I have to be honest that I was pretty satisfied with the news the doctor gave us. Even though his condition can still get worse, there is a big chance that he'll survive this all.

And I'm very happy to hear that.


Here I am. Sitting in the hospital again, next to Maxi. I'm waiting for him to wake up, at least hoping he does. The wooden chair I'm sitting on isn't really that comfortable but I couldn't really care less. To be honest, I just want to be next to him so that ,if he wakes up, he won't be alone.

"Today was pretty alright." I start, " we did some good rescues of course and there were also some less good ones, but that's normal right?" I sigh and straighten my back.
"There were also some annoying thieves today, trying to steel the towels of all the beachgoers for one reason or another." I chuckle "I just wish you could've been there..."

"I'm really glad you're still alive though, we all are of course. Reidy is also doing fine I think so that's also good news right?" I pause for a moment and look at Maxi. I sigh again and close my eyes. "Why do I even try, he's probably never going to wake up. At least not now, probably when I'm not here or so."

I open my eyes again and continue to talk about some stupid things like the weather or what I ate, but I just don't want to pause again. I don't want to be quiet and hear the sound of the heart monitor and all the other devices that are keeping Maxi sort of alive. God, I don't even want to think about it all anymore.

I look at my watch 9:32pm. "It's already pretty late actually, but I still got some time left to stay here and talk with-" I pause again, "sorry I mean to you." I scratch my head while looking around the clean, white and boring hospital room.

"Okay Maxi my friend, I don't really have anything to say anymore so I'm sorry for that." I smile lightly " I'll also stop troubling you. Good night." I say before I let go of his hand, of which I already had forgotten that I was holding it the whole time. I stand up and walk towards the door.
I open the door and look at him one last time before I'm ready to leave his room.

But then before I leave, before I'm out of his room, I hear a voice. Softly, but I recognise it immediately.

"Jesse...?" I hear

And I turn back around with a huge smile on my face


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