Chapter 5 - the ambulance

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Even with Kerrbox helping it still was a hopeless situation. I couldn't take care of Reidy on my own, but the others were doing their duty. Saving the helpless people in the water. This really was such a stupid hopeless situation. Please just let them live. I closed my eyes and took in a deap breath with the thought of them dying on my mind.

I looked up as soon as I heard sirens comming closer and closer. I was relieved. The ambulance is here. It sure took a while to get here, it felt like ages. Ages of regardless despair, but I'm glad the doctors are finally here.

I could see two doctors running in our direction over the beach. They were trying to move as fast as possible, but the sand and the warmth of this hot day were an obstacle for them. "Move aside." I said demanding to the watchers, the circle of death, "those people need to come through, and you should give us some space." Some listened well, others looked like they didn't care. That made me a bit disgusted. The thought of not caring about people who are willing to give their lives for you was really sad. "Please just move aside" I tried again, hoping they would listen this time, but it didn't matter. Disappointing, I thought. Very disappointing.

The doctors finally reached our position and they split up one comming to me and the other one to Whippet and Kerrbox. The moment the female doctor arrived it all went much faster. She started asking questions about how long he had been without air, and if his heart had stopped beating. Questions like that. I answered them all as best as I could while giving Reidy CPR. (With the help of the doctor of course ;))

I glanced over at Maxi, seeing that his liveless body was being shocked with the defib. It felt like a sting through my heart. Don't die Maxi, Please don't die, I thought. I had to held in my tears. I didn't want to cry right now, didn't want to think about him, one of the most amazing friends I've ever had. I didn't want to lose him. The same goes for Reidy, they can't die. I thought. Please just let them live. I thought, kept on repeating the same sentence over and over again.


As soon as the doctor arrived I felt relieved. Now it felt like there couldn't go anything wrong anymore, right? I mean the doctor was here, the doctor. But no, of course things wouldn't go as wanted. Of course things would have to go wrong, just so typical. The thing is, this ain't funny I mean Maxi's live is depending on us. On the work that we deliver in order to save him.

I mean everything was fine, but then __ his heart stopped beating __ he stopped breathing and I? I started panicking a bit. "Make the defib ready." The  male doctor demanded, and I did as he asked.

From the corners of my eyes I could see that Jesse was glancing over at us, he looked really worried, quite terrified to be more specific. "We won't let him die" I whispered while still looking at his worried face, letting my eyes lower to Reidy's after a while, "I promise."

Getting back to the defib and Maxi, I handed it over to the doctor, who said: "don't touch him!" He looked at us very quick and then let the electronic machine give an electric shock to Maxi. His whole body shook by it, but his heart still didn't beat. The doctor tried again. No success. ''Come on Maxi, please." I whispered. The doctor was about to try for the last time when all of a sudden, his heart started beating again. I felt very, very relieved and even let a light smile slide on my face. I quickly tried to hide it because it wasn't really a time to be smiling.

A couple of minutes later we took a brancard to finally move Maxi , as well as Reidy, to the ambulance to drive them as fast as possible to the hospital. They had to go into one ambulance, because there wasn't any time to let another one come. There had been a misunderstanding in the first place actually. Anyways, they figured out a way to get them both, safe and fast in one ambulance to the hospital.

As I watched the ambulance leave, I felt happy and sad at the same time. Happy because they were finally going to the hospital for better help, and sad because they were in a very bad shape. I really didn't want to lose any of my friends. They mean so much to me. I gave the ambu one last glimpse, turned around to face Jesse and Kerrbox, who both had a sad and worried expression on their faces, and walked with them back to the shore, me and Jesse ready to save someone else. Kerrbox want on duty today, but he was there to help now anyway. I hope they will be alright, I thought one last time before taking a rescue board again, and running in the ocean. On my way to a next rescue.

A/N: I'm really sorry for not updating earlier, but I didn't have that much time, nor inspiration to continue tbh. I hope you like this part, because I think it's a bit rushed. Idk. It's at least longer then the others (in words then tho, once again I don't know lol) also thanks so much for reading, voting and stuff. It means a lot.
Love y'all ❤️

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