Chapter 9 - Reidy

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DISCLAIMER!!: this chapter contains suicidal thoughts. If you're sensetive for that, or struggling with it please don't read the part where * starts! You can read again when * ends. Always remember that you're beautiful and loved, and try not to listen to mean people! I know it can be very difficult but try please! I love you all!!! <3


When me and Hoppo arrived at 'the waiting room' we saw Deano and Kerrbox sitting next to each other, quietly and with a concerned look on their faces.

"Do you have any news about Reidy?" I asked almost immediately, but sadly enough they both shook their heads in sync. "I really hope he's going to be okay." Kerrbox said carefully and he looked up at us and sighed, before continuing with speaking. "Why does there have to happen such bad things on one day?"  That was indeed a very good question. But who knows huh? I mean, every person asks themself that question, or something like that. But no one can give the answer to that. No one. And I really really hate that.

"Who knows." Hoppo said back at the question from Kerrbox. "Yeah right. Who knows?" Deano joined the sort of dead conversation. "Well, I guess we'll all just have to keep on hoping for good news and not bad like last time."
"Yeah indeed." Hoppo replied with a nod, and then sat down next to Deano. I followed, but sat down next to Kerrbox instead. And then a silence remained between us four

Doctors,  please do your best for Reidy.


This day sucks.

This day sucks so so much.

I feel terrible about it. Reidy and Maxi didn't deserve this. Nobody really does, except some bad people maybe. I looked up again and glanced at Hoppo, Deano and Whippet. They all had the same concerned and stressed look on their faces. Well, that's not abnormal when things like that happen to your best friends.

And for Jesse.. he ran of an hour and a half ago or something. I hope he's doing okay, because I think this is the hardest for him. We might all lose them, and the thought of that... I don't think Jesse really can handle it if it would happen. Maybe it's best if we check on him.

"Does any one now where Jesse might be?" I asked and I saw the three men beside me look up at my question. "Uhh no..." Whippet answered first, scratching the back of his head. " I don't know it either." Hoppo followed Whippet with an answer, and lately Deano shook his head as a response.

"Maybe someone should go and look for him. Isn't that the best to do?"
"Yeah, that indeed is the best." Hoppo agreed. " I'll call him and go to search him. Please keep giving me info on Reidy, okay?" I said as I stood up from my chair. Whippet nodded "We'll do that for sure, now go and search him please."

I have them a slight smile, took my phone out, walked out of the hospital and was waiting for Jesse to pick up.


I was still crying.

I was still on the ground.

And I was still getting weird looks.


It looked like nobody cared. Maybe that is true. Maybe it's better if I just disappeared forever. I'd been thinking about it for a longer time now. I felt like shit, still feel like it. Life can be hard, and it makes you want to give up on everything, and maybe that's what I'm going to do.

Give up.

If Maxi dies, or Reidy....

That just can't happen you know. It just can't...
The cuts on my arms hurt by the thought of really ending it all. By the thoughts of Maxi or Reidy dying. My life is such a mess.  


I curled up in a ball still sobbing loudly and sometimes screaming.

It was getting colder and later. But I didn't care. I just want Maxi to be alright. I just want him to be awake and happy. "Maxi..." I whispered through my sobbing.

But that I heard that my phone was ringing. But I didn't want to pick up. I didn't want to speak to anyone. I just wanted to be alone right now. After a couple of seconds it stopped ringing, but soon after that it started ringing again.

It looked like somebody really wanted to speak to me. I sat up slowly and took out my phone, shaking lightly. I looked at it and saw that it was Kerrbox who was calling.

Should I pick up or not? I decided I should, he do is a good friend.

"Jesse?" Kerrbox' voice sounded through my phone.
"Y- yes?" I asked quietly still sobbing lightly.
"Where are you? And are you alright?" He asked in a concerned voice.
"Yes I- I'm f- fine. And it d- doesn't matter wh- where I a- am." I replied again.
"Come on Jesse. Just tell me where you are, then I can come and get you back to the hospital."
"No. Y- you don't get it. I don't want to go back right now. J- just leave m- me alone."
"Jesse come on ju-"
But more he couldn't tell.

I had hang up on him.

I want to be alone right now.

A/n thanks so much for reading this fanfiction, and for voting and the sweet comments! I love you all super much and you're very sweet! If you've got any ideas for things to happen in the future you can let me now. And once more, thank you so much!!! <3

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