Chapter 6 - The hospital

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The ambulance finally arrived at the hospital and Maxi and Reidy were carried out of it. The doctors had taken another brancard because there was only one ambulance, with one brancard. Quite logically to be honest. Anyways as they were both been brought into the hospital, doctors gathered around them to do the things that were needed. First check for water in the lungs etc and then check for other injuries.

Maxi and Reidy still were unconscious, they might have hit their heads against the rocks. If that is then there might be a chance that they keep an injury such as being paralyzed. The doctors were being busy with checking up when all of a sudden Reidy's heart stopped beating.

"Start CPR!" The head of the doctors said immediately as more doctors and nurses came over to Reidy. "Get the defibrillator." A nurse did as demanded an they quickly applied it onto Reidy's chest.

"Okay. One, two, three.. clear!" The head doctor said as there went electricity through Reidy's body. No heartsignal. The surgeons and nurses waited for a couple of seconds, but nothing happened. "Okay, here we go again. One, two, three... Clear!" The head doctor said again. And the same happened as before, only there now was a slight difference. Reidy's heart started beating again. "Thank God." The doctor said in relief.

"Okay folks let's keep going. Come on everyone. It's a beautiful day to save lives."(Totally no slight reference to Grey's anatomy or something 😏. If you don't know it, just for info it's a doctors series, and quite good lol. Ok sorry now back with the story.)


The rest of the day went by very slowly. In the tower we were waiting for more news about Maxi and Reidy. There didn't come any. I was looking in the water with a binocular to see if there was anyone in trouble. I couldn't keep the incident from earlier out of my head though. It's the first time in my career that something tragic like that happens to a lifeguard, let stand multiple!

You can at least see that everyone here is worried, which is somewhere good in a sort of way. Because it proves that we all care about each other and that we are really good friends. I would have liked it though if we could prove it in a much different way. I just hope that there won't be any bad injuries. I hope they'll still be themselves.

And on that moment I saw a head go under. I immediately grabbed my walkie and started speaking. "A head has gone under in backpackers. Almost on the spot where we lost Reidy and Maxi..." I don't know what was wrong with me and the reason that I added that, but there's no time for that. Someone had to save the girl. "I'm on it." Whippet responded immediately. "Be careful please!" I added. I really didn't want to lose someone else.


What a coincidence I first thought, when I heard Hoppo's voice through the walkie. I sighed, but raced into the water with my board. I peddled and peddled as fast as I could. I looked around me if I could maybe see a head or a hand pop up sometimes. But I didn't see anything. "Come on..." I murmured softly and kept looking. "Not another person, two has been enough..." I continued murmuring.

And then I saw it. A little girls head popped up 10 metres away from me, but went immediately under after I spotted it. I peddled as fast as my arms allowed to the place where I last saw her head and pulled her out by her hair. She was still conscious, but coughing very hard. "I'm going to get you safe back to shore okay?" I said with a tried friendly tone, in an attempt to make her calm down a bit.

It didn't help, but what was I thinking. It's a 4 year old girl or something, of course she's freaked out! But what was she doing out here all by herself? Anyways, don't need to worry about that. Firstly, get safe back to shore with the girl. That's more important right now. She is still conscious at least, I thought as I was peddling back. She's more lucky then Maxi and Reidy were.


After we had kept Maxi and Reidy alive untill the ambulance was here, I stayed here even though I wasn't on duty today. We were with to less lifeguards otherwise anyways. No news from the hospital yet. It made me quite frustrated to be honest. I just wish they are still alive and well. (Well how could you be well if you just smashed against rocks and then almost drowned?)

It was pretty hot today 40°C. So it was also very busy, and many, many rescues by cause of that. There was still some wind though, I mean it's never wind quiet on the beach. I was looking between the flags standing with my feet on the sand and breathed in deeply.

It's 5p.m. at the moment. Two more hours and then it's time to pack everything up and maybe to go visit Maxi and Reidy in the hospital. I know I shouldn't think about my amazing job like that, but I just can't get them of my mind. I don't think anyone of us really can. We're all pretty shocked by it.


As I arrived at shore with the little girl, the parents came running up to me, thanking me immediately. "No worries." I replied with a smile on my face, "We will have to check her for a bit though because she probably has swallowed in a lot of water." The parents nodded, and I kneeled down by the little girl. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked her. She replied with a little nod and a little cough. "You sure?" I asked her again, because she had gone under a lot of times. And she could still die if there was water in her lungs. "Yes!" She then said with a little smile.

I stood up and looked at the parents again. "Keep an eye on here okay?" I asked the parents who nodded again. "If she keeps coughing or starts feeling dizzy, go to us if you're still her, and otherwise go to the hospital and tell them what happened." They nodded again "Thank you so much again." They said too this time.

"How did she end up there actually?" I asked because I was curious how a little girl like that could get that far in the sea. "We don't know actually." The mother replied with a soft voice, "she told us she was going for a swim and then after she just disappeared." I nodded. "Just make sure that doesn't happen again okay?" And they nodded again.

I then walked off to the tower to get some water. It was now 5.30p.m. still 1.30h till duty was over. I was really hoping on some news about Maxi and Reidy but nothing came.


There needed to be some more rescues in the last hour we had lifeguard duty, but then it was finally time to pack everything up. As Kerrbox was informing everyone that we were going away, and that they all needed to be careful because there aren't any lifeguards here anymore as we leave, I was closing up the tower and stuff like that.

As everything finally was packed up 30min. Later we could finally leave and go to the hospital. We were all going, because as I said earlier, we are all concerned.

As we arrived in the hospital we informed by the reception for news on them, or room numbers, but the receptionist told us that there want any news yet. So we all just sat down and waited.

After maybe another 30min. A doctor walked up to as and asked us if we were here for Maxi and Reidy. "Yes we are!" Jesse replied immediately, " please give us some news!" Jesse continued and you could almost hear how desperate he was.

The doctor sighed and after a long pause he started speaking. "I'm afraid I have some bad news..."

A/N and that is it for this chapter. Quite long for me no?😆 Anyways, I'm sorry for not updating earlier! And for this cliffhanger at the end ;) Thank you all for voting and reading this (stupid) story! It means a lot!💗

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