Chapter one

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A door slides open and beyond it stands a thin framed female figure. As she stepped through the thrush hold, with arms clasped behind her back, she summoned a voice of authority " how are our experiments going? Lapu". A clang sounds from behind a terminal hooked up to large slabs of stone. A mans head periscoped from the terminal his short hair was damp with sweat, beads forming at the tips, his face was smudged with black grease which contrasted heavily with his bright blue eyes that looked like bright torches at the end of a dark tunnel.
"Our endeavours are still in its infancy my lord Shyr, but from the readings I am getting off the subjects are very promising and I add our naive and fanatic opposition will be left behind" Lapu replied taking a rag to his forehead but achieving nothing more than smearing the grease with the sweat off his fringe.
"Very good but I expect a greater detailed report at our next quarterly debriefing, do not fail me Lapu, I have put immense faith in you and your science" Shyr said in a manner that was as crisp and formal as her uniform. As she pivoted on the spot to exit, she halted as Lupa fully emerged from behind the terminal whipping his hands in the same muggy rag he had used to smear his forehead and said "my lord, if you don't mind my asking..."
"What is it lapu, I have other matters to take care of, or do you forget we have a civil war to fight and win" she retorted
"Of course my lord, but this experiment I am conducting, I need more resources and test subjects" lapu shakily exhaled fearing shyr's response.
" your needs are of no use to me, I am sure if you approach general Ilam he will aid your requests through the debris of battle. If there's nothing more I shall continue with my rounds" Shyr snapped and gave a stiff wave as if lupa request was nothing more than a bit of static in the air
"Yes my lord , sorry my lord" Lupa said bowing as shyr stepped back through the door to continue down the passage. I wonder what secrets you hold hidden in plain sight one day I shall fully decipher you and everything you hold shall become mine she thought to herself as she strolled down the hall way admiring the regimented support beams with their ancient sith scriptures.
Shyr halted outside a double steel door and corrected her posture before hitting the access codes into the small terminal to her right. The doors creaked in protest to being disturbed from their nap and slowly slid apart. Shyr stepped through into a room that opened up more like a coliseum than a command centre. In the centre stood a large holographic image of a planet. Every time Shyr saw the hologram she could not help but feel pride and joy, even now as she leads a civil war on the surface.
"What is our status general?" Shyr requested with a sliver of concern. A man at a holoterminal jumped at the sound of Shyr and stood at attention, taken by surprise by not realising the door had opened.
"Ma'am, we are holding on several fronts but the empire forces are pushing harder everyday if we don't fall back we will loose too many troops" general ilam said as he gestured for Shyr to come closer to his holographic table which showed lines of red and green on a terrain looking like a valley displayed by blue grids rising from the terminal. "Our men are reporting fatal casualties from a small insurgent team that have anchored down behind a destroyed tank, this team has taken a few loses but compared to our losses they have taken 10 men for every man they loose"
Shyr approached the table to see the representative of troops. As she leaned over and pointed to a red line she asked "how many troops have we lost here and still have alive?"
"My lord we have lost 250 men, but still have 650 troopers alive. The reports suggested that the insurgents had a small strike team of 200 but they only have taken 25 deaths confirmed" ilam spoke with a small wonder and skepticism on what the group had hoped to achieve with such a small force, even though this group had done increasingly greater damage than he had suspected.
"I want you to move 500 back to the tree line" She said with sheer determination "and the remaining 150 troops to lay amongst the dead"
"But shyr..." ilam started to say before Shyr held a hand up to him "trust me this time ilam, I promise you the empire will fail here today" her voice was non wavering as she spoke with a slight hint of showboating. Ilam bowed as he ebbed away and grabbed a communicator.
As he finished entering the secure codes a figure emerged from the centre of the communicator, the trooper took on a blue hue that always through Shyr off as she knew their armour was always black with detailing of red. The trooper saluted and stood at attention awaiting for his orders.
" Coma.." Ilam began to say as Shyr stepped into view of the communicators sensor and began to take over the duty of relaying his orders "Commander, you are to retreat to the tree line while laying suppressive fire on the tank. But before you do I want you to select the best 150 troopers under your command to stay behind and lay among the dead as well concealed as possible. Also give the highest ranking member of the remain team this security code and clearance to contact as soon as the insurgents have passed over them"
A crackle came out the communicators speaker then followed by a harsh voice "understood my lord, my men will not fail you today"
"They best not, otherwise I shall hold you fully responsible for any mistakes" Shyr tone was so firm and aggressive that when it echoed off the walls of the command room and hit her ear drums she felt fearful of her own threat. Then she stretched out with her hand and ended the transmission, with the figure disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.

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