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What's going on?

Oh yeah, those Seven of One merged with me. And we finally killed the Shadow Queen, but... I didn't make it, it seems.

So that's it... I'm dead. Floating in endless darkness? Man, the afterlife sucks...

Or maybe it's Hell... If that's so, I guess I deserve to be here...

Wait, that bright light... it's... it's turning the darkness into light...

Everything is so bright now...

Wait... who is that? Is that an angel?

Wow... she's so beautiful! Wait, she's... she looks a lot like... me.

Being in her arms... it feels so good... and so familiar. I've felt that same warmth before... but when?

You'll always love me, you say? Thanks, I guess... I don't know you, but I love you too. It feels so good to be here in your arms right now.

But who are you? And why do I feel that I know you?


Minutes became hours. Hours turned to days. Then days to weeks, and not just a few.

Several weeks had passed since this fateful day. Princess Bowsette had fallen into a deep coma. It would have been certain death if her soldiers hadn't found Mario and their princess on the newly grass-coated field after the Shadow Queen's demise. They had rushed immediately to the general hospital at our city.

But despite the best doctors throughout of our kingdom, her health status remained the same; weakened, unconscious and uncertain.

Master Mario had spent most of his time at her side. He did not want to miss the moment of her awakening. He had faith that she would. But on the matter of the physical, his state had been, and was still, terrible. He had hardly slept and only wondered off to sustain himself with food, only to return immediately at her side. We, his friends, did our best to convince him to return home; the man did not budge from his resolution of staying at her side.

We had not insisted furthermore. Luigi had volunteered to bring him some fresh clothing and bathroom items so he could freshen himself without the need to leave Bowsette's side. Mario had shown a shadow of a smile to his little brother for the displayed care. Such expression was the closing thing to a good mood that he had shown in weeks.

Could we blame him? Of course not.

Just like him, we all wanted the same thing; to see Bowsette coming back to us, alive and well. But as the days kept passing by, the doctors were starting to run out of words to keep our hopes elevated.

But when hope seemed dimmed, she came to our aid like a miracle that we were in dire need of.


What...? What is it?

I... I must go back? But why? I love it here. Please let stay with you...

Oh... I had almost forgotten... He's waiting for me...

Will I see you again...? I really hope so... I will? Great!

So... I guess this is goodbye for now...

Thank you... thank you so much—


A large gulp of air entered her lungs, jolting her to a sudden wake. She rose her upper body from her hospital bed, taking in large quantities of air. She was not alone in the room.

Every Heart - A Bowsette/Mario fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora