chapter 11

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We pulled out of the hotel parking lot and tom cut up the music. call me maybe came on.

“oh my god this is my favorite song. Cut it up” I said

He cut it up.

Half way through the song we were both singing.


The song went off

“ so whats up with you and niall” tom asked

I sighed man I didn’t want to talk about me and niall. Im still confused about me and niall

“I don’t know what your talking about” I said trying to play dumb

He gave me that look that said come on son

“fine I don’t know I like him but I don’t know if he likes me.” I said

“well you should pronanly ask him if he likes you. Then…” he was cut off by his phone ringing

While he was on the phone I got a text

          *text convo N-niall A-ash*

N-wanna hang out tomorrow

A-sure where are we going

N-it’s a surprise. But bring a bathing suit. Pick you up at 9

A-9 why 9 that’s to early

N-it’s a long drive.

A-fine but get me breakfast

N-will do

   *end of convo*

A few minutes later he hung up the phone.

“who was that” I asked

“that was just a girl that I used to date”

“oooohhhhh tell me more about her” I said

“well her name is Hannah, she has blonde hair and here eyes. They were very pretty. They were a blue, green color. We always had a good time. We swam together and played football all the time. She was one of those girls that was not only my girlfriend but my best friend also”

“wow seems like you guys had a very good relationship. Why did it end”I asked

“honestly…… my training schedule was very hectic and there were times when I forgot about our dates. So one night she said that she wanted to break up because I wasn’t paying attention to her enough.”

“wow’ I said

“yeah but she is a good person. Were still friends” he said as he pulled up infront of the hotel

“well thanks for the ride”I said hopping out

“yeah your welcome” he said

He pulled off and I made my way up to our room

I showered and got into my night clothes. My sister and my mom was already in the room when I came back

“what did you do today” mom said

“well I hung out with tom daley and one direction”

They both looked at me and started laughing

“well its true” I said

“yeah right so that means you slept all day” my sister said

“no you don’t believe me here look at this” I said

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